2. Leo

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(TW) Warning!! This Chapter shows graphic child abuse and may be a trigger for some!! Read at your own discretion!

Leo's POV

As soon as class was over I started packing my books when two girls walked over to me. I sighed to myself knowing what was going to happen next.

"Leo, can you help us for a moment? We didn't really understand the Math problems from earlier," one of them asked with a smile.

I wasn't here for the Math part because I was showing the new kid around school and zoned out completely before that but I'm too nice of a person and took her book anyways with a smile. Math was easy for me so I just quickly looked it over and I knew how it works right away. Same as yesterday with a few added steps.

After getting the, "Oh okay. I understand it now," from the girls I quickly packed my things and left in a hurry. My dad was going to kill me. I was so late. I completely lost track of time with them.

Running out the door I started running out of the iron gate to leave the school grounds when I smacked into something at full force and fell backward landing on the ground. Holding my nose painfully, I looked up to see none other than King looking down at me.

He rolls his green eyes with a loud sigh before holding out his hand for me to grab. "You need to watch where you're going." He said as I grabbed it, noticing a few rings on his fingers that I didn't notice before.

He pulled me up without any effort. "I'm so sorry." I patted the dust off my black pants and looked back at him. "What are you still doing here so late?" I looked down at my watch and realized where I was going in such a hurry and started to panic once again. "Oh shit! I'm so sorry again King. I have to- umm I-" King's bright green eyes looked up and down the road like he was missing something. "Are you lost? Do you need some help?"

His eyes shot to mine quickly. "No. My uncle is just running late. Not a surprise though." He sighed again then looked at the ground as he's cheeks reddened a little.

"Oh, okay. Um, would you like some company while you wait then?" I smiled. I really shouldn't have offered because I'm already so late as it is but he looked like he needed it. Damn my niceness.

"Nope." He popped the P as he fake smiled at me. "I'm a big boy. I'll be just fine on my own."

"Are you sure?" I asked. I just wanted to make sure before I took off. I didn't want him out here for long by himself or getting lost.

"Yes, I'm sure. Now leave, you seem to be in a hurry anyway."

"Uh, okay then. See you at school tomorrow." I waved before walking over to the street and started looking both ways. Once I saw it was clear I went to go take off when something grabbed my backpack and pulled me back mid-step making me stumble a little.

"Wait, um h-hold up," King said nervously. "Can you-" he rubbed the back of his neck and let go of my bag as I turned around again to face him again. His cheeks were red and he had a look of defeat. "Could you by any chance point to where WaterRun St is before you go?"

He was lost, I knew it, but he clearly didn't want me to know so I kept that to myself as I tried to hold back a chuckle by biting inside my bottom lip.

WaterRun was in a pretty bad area though. Honestly, I don't know anyone from that part of town because everyone was too poor to send their kids to a private school and it was full of gang violence.

"Umm, yeah. You just go down to the end of this block, take a right when it Ts, and go down three blocks to the left is Ashland Ave and it's a few streets down from there, to the right if I remember correctly," I told him.

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