10. King

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King's POV

"Mind telling me what's going on here boys?"

He looked between us both still angry. The skin on his bald head was still red from fighting with the outraged coach moments ago. I opened my mouth to tell him that Leo was just there to stop the fight but once again Leo beat me to it.

"Sir, this was a clear act of self-defense. Those boys all jumped the 'new kid' and he had to protect himself after they started their attack. I know it looked bad when Coach Willson walked up but I saw the whole thing. I mean come on, three against one isn't even close to a fair fight and you know those three are bullies anyways."

My eyes shot open as I looked over at Leo in shock that he lied straight to the principal with a confident yet innocent look on his face to sell it. But I really couldn't believe this kid would stick up for me like that. No one, and I mean NO one, had ever done that before either. Unless they wanted something.

The principal looked between us both again as I still sat there completely struck. "Is that so? King, do you have anything else you would like to add?"

I leaned back in my chair and slowly looked back at him before I shook my head. "No sir. Leo pretty much covered it."

He sighed deeply and dropped his shoulders in a more relaxed manner. "Well, it seems like those three picked on the wrong person. I will not allow bullying in my school and I will not punish someone for defending themselves." He turned to me. "King, you're lucky Leo was there. You're off the hook this time because of him but let's not make it a habit to beat up others. If someone is bullying or picking on you, you need to talk to a teacher or come talk to me. Don't try to take matters into your own hands." Then he turned back to Leo, clearly done with me just like that. "Leo, how is your mother doing?"

That was a weird turn of events. I mean, was he really going to start trying to hook up with the kid's mom in the middle of school?

"She's doing better at the moment. Thank you, sir." He smiled big but something was in his eyes just before he blinked it away. Sadness maybe?

"I see. We are all hoping for the best. I hope you know that. If you need any more time off just let me know and I'll be sure to help as much as I can but we can talk about that at another time."

"Thank you, sir."

I looked between the two. I couldn't help but wonder what was going on with his mom. Was that why he missed school? Did something bad happen to her?

"King!" The principal yelled, pulling me out of my deep thinking and making me flinch up straight again. "I have yet to hear your gratitude for Leo saving your butt today."

Leo's face turned red as he laughed and put his hands up. "Oh, no. Really. No need for that. I was just doing my part."

I turned to him quickly. I owed him. "It's okay. Leo thank you so much for having my back. Not many people would have done that."

His face grew even redder like he was embarrassed as he looked down at the ground shyly. "Not a problem King." He smiled that damn smile again and I could feel the heat in my own cheeks. I had to quickly look away to hide it.

"Great. Now get back to class, both of you. No need to call your parents over this but this is your one free pass King. I don't want to see you here again."

"Yes sir," I answered.

We both got up at the same time and left as we walked down the hallway side by side. I peeked over at Leo who was smiling to himself and looking at the ground. Why would he lie for me like that? What made him do that? What if he just wanted something from me? Everyone wants something from me in the long run.

"Oh shit!" Leo jumped up in surprise and stopped.

It scared the hell out of me as I was in deep thought at the time. "What!? What's wrong!?" I yelled looking at him like he was dying, about giving me a heart attack.

"Ugh. I forgot we need to stop by my gym locker!" He started pulling me down another hall away from class. "Come with me."

He quickly snuck into the locker room and came back a minute later holding a small red bag and without saying anything pulled me into the bathroom behind us.

"Okay Leo, you got me. I like you a little but if you try to kiss me I might just punch you too," I joked and smiled as he closed the door behind us.

Turning around his face was bright red for a moment. "What? No, ass face. Your hands are still hurt. We didn't go to the nurse's office and I don't want to walk all the way to the other side of the school so I'll just clean them in here for you."

No, no, that's too much. He's doing way too much not to want something in return. I knew people didn't just do all this for someone they just met out of the kindness of their hearts. This kid is just going way too far out of his way.

"No, it's fine really. You've already done too much. Let's- let's just go to class," I said as I tried to leave. This is starting to piss me off, I was actually starting to like this kid. No, I was starting to like him a lot but now I see the truth. He's just like everyone else in this damn school.

Leo grabbed my hand as I tried to walk past. "Oh please. Stop being stubborn. This will get infected if you don't clean and wrap them properly," he said with a smile but I quickly pulled my hand away from him making his eyes widen a little and his smile fade.

"What do you want?" I asked annoyed. I'm done playing this game with him.

"To clean your hands," he said, reaching for my hand again, starting to look annoyed.

Without warning my anger got the best of me as I grabbed him and slammed him into the wall behind him with my forearm against his neck. I was so over this shit.

"No. I mean why the hell did you stop me back there, and lie to keep me out of trouble in the office? What's in it for you Leo? What do you want from me? No one is this nice to me without wanting something, so spill it now," I told him as I leaned in closer, pushing my arm into his neck so he couldn't breathe.




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Woah! What the hell is going on? Leo just saved your butt and you just attack him like that King!? Just shows you how much King has a hard time trusting people. Someone was just trying to help him and he can't believe it would be just out of kindness.

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