Everyone was charmed by Leo's bright smile but behind it all, he could barely keep it together inside. From taking care of his sick mother to suffering mental and physical abuse from his father to keeping up his perfect grades in school.
King was th...
I was glad Leo decided to stay in the hotel room the next time I visited my dad. All hell broke loss. Two other inmates stood from their chairs and full blow attacked each other right in front of everyone's families. A baby screamed as the mother yanked her from the car seat before guards kicked it over in the struggle, little kids yelling for their moms or dads, tears streaming down their terrified faces as blood flung across one of the walls.
My dad stood before me, watching the brawl grow more violent. We were escorted out of the room safely by other guards as they needed to use force to break the men apart while making the ones watching lay down on the ground. I didn't get a chance to talk to him much which pissed me off. I wanted to share with him the news about me and Leo moving out of Uncle Ben's house.
Our weekend went by way too fast. First, we went to the zoo, then the next day another hike. This time, we took a shorter tail inside the city park. Sunday, we rolled around the hotel bed for most of the day and then went to the movies. Yesterday, we simply walked the city, seeing the artwork displayed throughout and a beautiful garden, making me wish we waited until late spring or summer to come so Leo could see all the flowers blooming.
Leo had the most fun planning our days and finding the best places to go. I was happily his follower. This trip was for him, even though he tried making it for me by letting me see my dad, but seeing Leo's bright smile made it all worth it.
As I walked into the hotel room, I heard Leo mumbling. Confusion swept over me as I quickly shut the door so he didn't hear and slowly walked over to the bedroom, trying my best not to be seen.
As I peered into the bed, all I could see was a large lump on the bed, covering my view. I knew it was Leo as he continued mumbling, but who was he mumbling to? Taking small steps into the room, I tried to see past the lump, but it started moving, making my heart jump at the sudden jerk.
"I know you're there," Leo said as the lump moved to the side. Leo glanced over his book at me. "The door beeps when you unlock it." He smiled. "But I wanted to finish this chapter since you were taking so long to get in here."
I chuckled at myself. "Well, you were mumbling, so I wanted to see who you were talking to."
"I was?" Leo put down the book and sat up while I nodded. "Sorry. I didn't realize I was reading aloud. I'm so used to doing it. I guess it's a hard habit to break."
I saw his eyes turn down and sat on the bed with him. "It's okay. I love your voice, so I wouldn't mind you doing it while I was here. What is the book about?"
Leo's face lit up as he told me about the book he was reading, leaving out no details about the adventures of the MC. We curled around each other, and I just breathed him in, listening to the vibration in his chest as he talked. The corner of my mouth turned up, eyes closed. This was the place I could live in for the rest of my life and die happily.
"Are you sure about this?" Leo asked again as we got out of my truck, making this all feel like déjà vu.
"Yes, babe," I chuckled as we began walking to the gate to visit my father one last time before we left.
"It's just the last one, and you hardly got to say hello to him on Tuesday." Leo picking at his fingers gave me the notion he was nervous and uncomfortable being here. It made my stomach ache.
"I know, but it's fine. My dad wanted to see you again before we left anyway." I shrugged and flashed him a smile, getting a weak one in return. I knew he didn't like imposing, but he was far from imposing on anything. I wanted to share everything with him, especially this part of my life.
We walked in with the crowd, and my father sat at the table waiting for us. The inmates were in cuffs, so we didn't get to hug each other, but a handshake was good enough. The guards normally stood by the walls and doors, but this time, they slowly walked between tables, watching everyone's moves. It made me feel easy, knowing if something happened with Leo here, they would stop it before it got out of hand like last time.
"Got you on lockdown, I see." My father took his smiling eyes off Leo when I commented.
"Yeah, well," he lifted his cuffed hand just above the table as he shrugged, "It is what it is. Nothing new around here. So you were going to tell me something before we were interrupted."
My eyes slid to Leo, and a smile crept across my face before I could contain it. "Leo and I are going to move out of Uncle Ben's place."
His eyes widened for only a second before he chuckled. "Well damn. That is good news. Are you looking to buy or rent? What area are you gonna look?" He starts asking questions we haven't even thought about yet, making my head spin a little as I just stare at him.
Leo did as I did, his lips parted before looking at me for answers. "I'm- Well, we haven't discussed all the details yet, but if Leo is okay with it, somewhere close by because of my job." That was the only thing I could answer at the moment, side-eyeing Leo for his approval. I wouldn't set anything in stone without talking to him first.
I could see him rub his hands on his pants before giving me a 'That sounds like a good idea,' but I felt like he wanted to say more, so I took note to talk with him later just to make sure he was okay with that.
My dad didn't notice, running off what we needed to look for if we bought, to talk to Uncle Ben first because he knew people who could bypass a lot of the legal process for us to get a loan, and he could help us remodel if it needed work once he was out. I loved that about my dad. He was always quick to advise on things even though he was stuck here, but he was so close to coming home now, and I couldn't wait for his help outside of these four cold stone walls. To hug him without a time limit, eat dinner with him, and cook breakfast again together. Everything I couldn't do while he was in there.
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