48. King/Leo

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King's POV

I sat in class, looking at Leo's empty desk. No one's heard from him in days, and it was making me go fucking crazy. How could he just disappear? Jess said she took him home Saturday morning after they got too drunk and passed out in one of the rooms that the party. They woke up half-naked in the same bed since drunk people don't think right, so she said the drive was awkward for them both, but that was all that happened.

I had no reason to question her. I mean, who hasn't done something weird while drunk? And I trusted her. Not like it mattered if they did do something, though. I had no right to get mad because we weren't together. It still would have hurt like hell to hear if they did, though.

I know Leo wanted me to stay away from him, but I needed to see if he was okay, so after school, I made my way to his house. I should have, but my uncle tracked the cell phone I got him and said it was at his house these last few days. He had to be home. Right?

Leo's house came into view, and I began second-guessing my decision. What if his mom took a turn for the worse? What if he didn't want to see me? Would he slam the door in my face? Would he just get pissed off?

My stomach twisted as I got to the steps, trying to remember to breathe. What if Leo was suffering or hurt? Yeah, I made the right choice coming here. I needed to do this. He might need me.

Knocking on the door, I knew his dad was home, so at least someone was inside. It only took once because I heard someone unlock the door, hoping it was Leo, but when his father's face appeared, I was disappointed.

"Is Leo here?" I asked, hoping to see him soon.

He laughed a little, opening the door more, and the smell of alcohol hit my nose hard. "You're that kid who helped him, ugh?"

"Yes, sir. I was hoping to see him if that's okay?" I asked. "He just hasn't been to school for a few days, and I-"

"Well, you know as much as I do," he said, swaying back and forth. "He's not here. Hasn't been. Was gonna call the cops, but fuck it. His eighteen now. He did call..., yesterday. Said he was with a friend..., Guess it wasn't you since you're here."

My eyes nearly popped from my head. Charlie is locked up, so I didn't have to worry about him, but who else was he friends with? He never motioned anyone else he talked to outside of school.

"Did he leave his phone here?" I asked. It was a stupid question, but there was no way Uncle Ben was wrong.

"Phone? He doesn't have one. Eh. Whatever, I guess if you care, go look." He stepped away from the door, and damn right, I took it.

"Thanks," I said, walking past him straight into his room.

"Why do you look so damn familiar?" he asked, following behind me. I wanted to ignore him because I was more concerned about where the hell Leo was, but I didn't want to be rude to his dad either.

"Um, I'm not sure. My family grew up around here, I guess. My dad moved away before I was born, but my uncles stayed in the area, and that's who I live with now." I looked on his desk, not seeing the phone, before taking my phone out to call it.

"Who's your dad?"

"Miles Rubin. People say I look a lot like him, so maybe-"

"Miles..." he looked in thought for a moment, giving me a second as I searched around the bed when the phone started ringing. "Right. That's where the red hair comes from," Gray said, making me look over as I grabbed the phone, and it looked like the gears were still turning. "Benji was his brother, right?"

"Is his brother," I corrected him. "Yeah. That's my uncle. You know them?"

His whole body language changed as we stared at each other. "So what? The fucker sent you to spy on my wife through my son?" He stepped closer, face turning red.

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