39. King

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King's POV

I sat next to Leo, feeling my heart beating faster with all the thoughts running threw my head on what he could say to me that had him scared to talk.

His whole body felt like it was trembling as I caressed his cheeks, watching him start to speak as tears glistened in his eyes. My eyes squinted at him, trying to figure out what he was trying to say or wanted. Why was he so scared? It was making me scared to know. What did I do so wrong to make him like this?

"Please, Leo," I whispered, laying my forehead against his, closing my eyes so he couldn't see the tears that started to blur my vision. "I can't stand not knowing what's wrong or what I did wrong. I swear I'll fix it and do better. Just tell me." I begged him. My heart was ripping inside my chest. I couldn't lose him. Not now. Not like this.

Whatever I did, I would grovel at his feet and beg for forgiveness. I would cut off my hands, or feet, or take out my heart and lay it at his feet with my dying breath if he asked me to. Whatever it took to gain his forgiveness.

I froze when something soft pressed against my lips. My eyes shot open. Was Leo... kissing me? Was I dreaming? I was too scared to move. My mind completely blacked out. Was this real?

His eyes flew open, meeting mine, but I couldn't think. He pulled back quickly. My eyes remained wide, and my head was too much in a daze. Did that really just happen?

"I... I'm really sorry!" Leo's cracking voice snapped me out of it as he leaned away from me on the couch and looked at me in utter terror. "That... was so stupid of me. I... I... I wasn't thinking."

I couldn't help running a finger over my bottom lip. I could feel the burn in my cheeks begin to flare at how stupid I was, but Leo caught me so off guard. I couldn't believe I froze like that. He kissed me, something I wished for every time I saw him, and I froze. I could punch myself. I'm such an idiot!

"Could you... do it again?" I asked, looking at him again.

"Wh- what?" It seemed like the tension in his body ran off as he sat up straighter.

My hands started to move to pull him back to me. "I missed the first time. Kiss me again," I told him, ignoring how red my face might have been at that moment, but I really didn't want to miss my chance again.

I could hear his breath shaking again as I leaned in as slowly and gently as I could manage, holding his cheeks in my hand again. "Please," I whispered, nudging my nose against his, but fighting back the urge to touch his lips. He needed to do it. I needed him to make that move, so I knew he wanted this too.

This time when he slowly moved and our lips touched, it was like the first time we kissed all over again. No, it was better than our first kiss. I couldn't pull away from him. My heart felt like it exploded. By how hard it was beating against my chest, it might just have.

Leo's hands found my wrists, squeezing them tightly, while mine pulled his cheeks closer before moving them to his neck and in his hair. We kissed again, making stars light inside my mind, and his hands moved up my arms, slowly reaching my back, leaving my skin tingling where he touched. Our bodies pressed together, and I felt his warmth against me, which made me feel more alive.

As much as I wanted to, I didn't push further than just a few kisses. I let my hands roam over his neck and the back of his head, but that was as far as I let myself go. Still, even without using my tongue or lifting him into my lap, it was the most passionate kiss I'd ever felt before.

By the time we pulled away, we were both breathless. His eyes looked in a haze as we locked them together, sitting paralyzed. I tilted my head down just a little to rest my forehead against his, my breathing still fast, and I wasn't sure if my heart had stopped or was just beating so fast I couldn't feel it pounding against my chest anymore.

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