King's POV
I lay there holding Leo against me, softly breathing against my skin. I didn't even want to sleep because I wanted this feeling to last longer. I've never been more comfortable in a small bed, cramped against someone like this. Hell, I've never been this comfortable holding anyone next to me. I wasn't a cuddly type, but it felt so good as I laid my head against the top of his while we let sleep take over, ending this horrible day.
I woke up in the morning holding something in my hand and something pressed against my chest. I opened my eyes and looked right into Leo's golden hair. His head lay softly on my chest, almost laying completely on top of me. One of his legs was over mine, locking our lower halves together. Our fingers linked together near my hip.
I didn't move at all. I love this feeling of holding Leo so close. He moved his head slightly up, facing me as he slept peacefully. I knew he said he wasn't into guys, and I should really stop the thoughts that flooded my mind but looking at him like this made it hard not to think what would have happened if I kissed him right now.
I couldn't help it as I slowly reached up with my free hand and softly moved the hair out of his face. He moaned softly in his sleep, pressing his cheek against my chest a little more. That was adorable.
Just then, his alarm clock started going off, making me jump as I pulled my hand away from his face. Leo groaned and turned to slam it off angrily. Letting go of my hand.
"Fuck," he whispered and turned back to rub the tired out of his eyes. As soon as he laid back down and touched me by mistake, he jumped clean out of the bed onto the floor.
"Shit, are you okay?" I asked, leaning over to see him laying there.
"Yeah. Sorry. I forgot you were on the bed with me for a second," he said and smiled at me.
I laughed a little and got out of bed to start getting ready. Since Leo wasn't supposed to have people over, I had to leave before his dad got home. Plus, I needed to hurry back to my place to shower and get ready for school, then hurry back here because I didn't want him to walk to school alone.
"That looks painful," Leo said.
I looked down at him as he stood up again and pointed to the bruising on my ribs.
"I'm just glad you didn't get too clingy in your sleep," I joked a little as his eyes grow wide and his cheek started to pinken.
I didn't think he had any idea he was holding my hand or anything else, so I left it at that. He didn't have to know.
We talked for a little longer before I left, close to when his dad came home as possible without being seen. I didn't want Leo to be alone for long with that psychopath still out there.
Once I saw his dad pull up, I hurried back to my place. Now that I knew the streets more, I made it home and showered with a new change of clothes before I made my way back to his house to find him walking alone down the street.
"M- maybe you shouldn't walk in with me," Leo said as he stopped when we were almost there. "I- I think you should go first," he said, taking a step back.
"I'm not going in there without you, Leo," I said, getting behind him because I felt like he was about to bolt if I didn't. "Plus, no one is going to say anything with me next to you," I smiled big at him, hoping that would make him feel better, even just a little.
"I- I don't know. I don't th- think I can go in there again. What- what if-," he said as he started to shake and his eyes started to stare off.
I grabbed his hand in mine. Linking our fingers together to snap him out of reliving what happened yesterday. I knew what was going on in his head just by the look of sheer terror on his face.

The Brightest Star
عاطفيةEveryone was charmed by Leo's bright smile but behind it all, he could barely keep it together inside. From taking care of his sick mother to suffering mental and physical abuse from his father to keeping up his perfect grades in school. King was th...