56. King

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King's POV

"Kiss me." His whisper was like a scared plea.

My lips pressed against his without a second blink. I felt like he would disappear if I didn't give him what he wanted... what I wanted. Was I dreaming? Did I fall asleep after all?

When his lips pressed back against mine, it felt like the air stopped around us. He gasped before it was swallowed by our lips meeting again. My tongue brushed against his bottom lip, and I was surprised when he parted more in a moan. His leg wrapped around mine, pulling us closer.

God, I missed him, missed this feeling I got when he let me taste those beautiful lips. It was like a haze filled my mind. All my thoughts, fears, and worries faded into nothing. This sense of heat fuels my body. It felt so right like the missing puzzle piece of my life was finally in place.

I didn't want to stop, but the feel of his bandages scratching my side along with his fingertips running up my shirt made me pull away. We needed to stop. This was too much, too fast. Leo wasn't in the right mindset for us to continue, and I couldn't forget that he was injured.

"Please don't stop," Leo whispered, bursting his nose against mine.

How could my sense of right and wrong be thrown out the window so fast? Who was I to deny the one I've fallen so hard for what he wanted?

Our lips softly and slowly became one again. Our kiss became so tender. His fingertips sliding across my side to the middle of my back sent tingles to my groining, and his hips pushing against mine didn't help the growing bulge in my pants.

My hand combed into his hair, loving the feel of how soft it was again. Our tongues teased each other like we were waiting to see who would dare dive in first. His leg tightened over mine a few times, and I was just beginning to wonder what he was doing until I felt his hand slowly retreat from my back, over my side, and suddenly pulm my erection.

I hissed in a gasp as my dick throbbed from the needed attention. My hips twitched forward into it more. It was becoming extremely uncomfortable the more I grew harder in my pants. He stroked a few times, and each time, my body shivered with excitement, along with a low moan in his mouth.

A hand fisted his hair, and I had no control over my breathing until I felt his fingers run over my cock head, threatening to peek out the waistline. It felt so fucken good that I pulled away from Leo's lips.

"Stop. You..., you don't have to do this. We could stop," I told him, despite how badly I wanted to keep going. I'm sure my panting and low-sounding voice didn't sound convincing enough to be believable either, but I didn't want Leo to feel like he needed to do this. I also had to remind myself again that he was still in pain.

Leo looked down into the darkness of the blanket. "Is it because you know what I did with other people?" His voice creaked a little, pulling his hands away from me.

"What? No, it-,"

"You heard the doctor say I was cleared of STDs. Right? I mean..., I wasn't-,"

"Leo." I grabbed his cheeks and lifted his head. "It has nothing to do with that. I want to do this with you, but I know you're hurting right now, and I'm not talking about just your arms. I don't want you to regret it. We have all the time in the world to get there, and I don't think you're ready for this yet. We should take it slow. Come here." I pulled him against me as close as I could without hurting him and rested my head on top of his.

"Do you mean it? The..., the time part?" He poked his head back up. "Do we really have all the time in the world?"

"Of course. That is... if you want to stay. Will you stay here? With me? To... together?" My face heated, making me thankful the light was still off, and my heart was racing so fast. I'd never asked anyone to be with me before, and it made me feel so childish asking, but I wanted to be with him, and I wanted it to be clear to both of us.

There was a pause, making my stomach turn a little, but I felt something wet hit my hand still on Leo's lower cheek, but Leo began nodding. "I really want that," he mumbled in a shaking voice again.

"Can I kiss you again?"

He nodded once more, and this time, we kissed even slower than before. We took breaks here and there to snuggle closer until we fell asleep again.


I woke up in the morning to find Leo burning up and buried in my chest like he was cold, even under the thick blanket. I hoped he didn't get sick from being out in the cold for so long, but I was saddened to learn I was wrong.

I slipped out of bed without waking him to find some medicine. Memories of being sick by myself as a kid flooded my mind. All the times I had to wake up to doctor myself because my mother was gone on a binder. I shook my head, running cold water over a washcloth. I wouldn't let Leo feel alone like that.

By the time I got back, Leo was wrapped tight in the blanket. His eyes slowly opened and blinked at me.

"I brought you something for the fever." I set the red liquid on the nightstand for him to reach before leaning over and kissing him on the forehead. It felt hotter than before, and his cheeks were now bright red.

He groaned with a snuffle before letting me help him sit up. "You're..., still here?" He asked, looking at me with confusion.

I smiled, caressing his warm cheek. "Why wouldn't I be? I told you I wasn't going to leave. When will you start trusting me?"

"It's not like that." Leo grabbed my arm, keeping my hand pressed against his cheek. "I just keep getting this feeling I'll wake up to find all of this a dream, and I'll be in some new weird place with people I don't know."

I leaned over and kissed him. Immediately, Leo melted into the kiss, but he quickly pushed me away. "You... You can't kiss me," he said, snuffling his stuffy nose as he tried hiding his darkening cheeks with his arm. "You'll get sick too."

I couldn't help but chuckle a little while giving him his medicine. Within a few minutes of lying back down, he fell back to sleep. I couldn't help but watch him sleep peacefully for some time, thinking about everything that happened these last few months. It made me smile to see him here with me now. In a place where I knew he would be safe with people who would take care of him, and that's all that mattered now.


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