Clair De Lunacy

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THE MARBLED EYES OF THE  CHERUBS  STATUES SEEMED TO HAVE TAKEN A LIKING TO THE VISITIORS  AS THEY  BLARED HOLES INTO LORNA'S HEAD , THEIR NECKS CRANED ,  WATCHING  THE GIRLS LEAVE. By the time Lorna  had caught on to their stares and turned to catch them, the cherubs had returned to their static, idle gazes, lust filling their countenance.

The unsettling feeling of gazing eyes never left her. Looking around to the other girls, she noticed them unaware to it. 

Or maybe they're just great actresses 

Lorna  thought to herself.  Her inability to master the poker  face or stoic way of living would cost her. The  garrulous southern drawl of her blonde haired father resonated loudly in her head. Their last conversation at the airport calming her slightly.

The cracks are always there darlin' , usually cemented within verbose use of  language, sewn together with opulence and promises. But remember, the promises are always empty and the cracks always lead ya' to the simple  truth. Use the cracks darlin'.  I love ya, leave  those stuck up British folk  reeling!  

I'll find the truth.

Lorna's  fingertips ghosted over the gentle warm buzzing spot on her top head where he had kissed her goodbye.  The feel of her mothers tears wetting her flaxen hair lingering on her mind. 

Her heart clenched a little. 

Anyway,  Nikita and Aria had retrieved Alifa, and just in time too, they would be entering a whole other place.

Lorna had been absolutely fascinated and excited to enter the grand building she had heard so  much, but had seen little about.  The very few pictures on the wide web,  of the school itself, not to mention the new buildings, left her fingers twitching and the familiar warmth flood her senses.

By now, a large dark cloud had overtaken the sky and its contents began to spill over the whole area.  Water began to wash down on the girls. Their squeals loud and growing irritated, the rain seemed to have it out for them. Strangely enough, the sun was still shining, barely, but still shining amidst the rain.

Mingus, (finally a name) had managed to rally up the girls and began to lead them back from where their tour(barely) began.   A tired smile on his face.

"I'm sorry girls, really... I- I was going to show you cool places that weren't on the official tour .  I guess not. " Mingus seemed to have grown even taller. His hair seemingly more   ruffled and messier now. 

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