The Excommunication of Wentworth

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September 12th

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September 12th


The bright vigour of Summer had passed on and  the verdant greens of the Academy's surroundings, were replaced with hushed hues of brown, russet, orange, amber and gold.  The newer school building shone more elegantly in the dull Autumn light.  The sun hidden within ominous clouds.

Ominous weather  for ominous intentions.

Her flats seemed to hit the ground like thunder, every step cracking the clear marble into smithereens.  Her flats had no heel, but they might  as  well dug  just the same.

Deep and with no mercy.

Their eyes never left her back.

Each look, harbouring  the same thing, but in different  ways.


Some more than the other but,

nervous none the less.

She merely smiled at this, unbeknownst to them.

Draco stepped in front of her just in time to properly open the door. It's the manners his Nigerian parents drilled into his existence that made him do that.

No other reason.

No other reason at all.

"tHanK - Thank you."  she saved it curtly before strutting (an attempt)  into the classroom. 

Play it cool Nguyen, if you're cool, they'll freak out.

The boys did not follow immediately.  Draco's strong uniformed arm stopped them at the door.  A concerned look on his face.

"What do you think that meant?"  Draco asked, turning to the Musketeers.

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