A Town of Spectre.

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The succinct sounds of   fiddles  and violins, meshing harmoniously in the fight for  an obvious winner clouded their ears intensly.

"Welcome.... TO METHVE-

Alifa Océane's   legs moved before she could process.  

She walked right past the tour lady, a bright smile on her face as she entered past the town's entrance. 

A shoulder bumped into her, as the man walked past her, muttering rushed  and grumbling apologies behind him. 

Alifa could only stare at him in utter amazement.   

A deep, sunlit  smile filled her features as she could all but look at him.

One thing, filled her mind.


Lots of it.

The town was as lively as she had ever seen it to be.  A stark difference from the grave, ghost -town they drove through a mere month ago.

This, this was different. 

It didn't even feel like the  same town.  That drive that day, as much as she tried to bury it, left something behind.  How could she forget the vast  deadness she had been subjected to on their first day here? The silenced roads, clean pavements and darkened window panes.

Where had all these people suddenly come from? What made these majestic sentient beings pop out of their finely obscured burrows?

Had the girls interrupted their hiberantion? It was that time of year after all.

Even the girls couldn't help but stare at everyone.  

There were a plethora of people.  

 So many,  just.... 


There were sights galore, filling their visual senses to godly heights.  The people, of all shapes, sizes and walks of life, held golden smiles.   Laughter seemed to drift through the air around them.  They waved at one another, gleefully. 

Children in clusters running in circles around each other.  Only a few cars past by once awhile.  Bicycles carrying rambunctious riders as they rode past the girls, a rush of air, forcing Alifa to pull down her skirt.  Their haughty laughs filling her ears. 

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