A Celebration of You.

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October 25th

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October 25th


Not like this.

Never once, so puzzled,

long enough for it to be comical.

Puzzled by people, maybe.

They were, predictably unpredictable,  aggressively incompetent and mean.

Especially family.

But never had she been so duped by a something not even living.

A code.

Lorna's eyes blurred, this strange numerical sequence that Aria had left her, plagued her for days at no end. 

These arcane numbers, laughed at her.

Things didn't feel right. 

 What was more mystifying?

How did Aria get this code ?  or   what the heck it all meant?

Because something was afoot.  Finger numbingly and twitchingly afoot. 

Orphalien Nguyen groaned at her best friend's lack of help. She had tried to get her attention but, once she saw the assortment of books beside her, she realised the futility of her attempts and found it was best to save her energy.

Draco Ejifor's birthday  bash had come much sooner that expected, for the ones who cared enough to plan it, that is.

Orphalien Nguyen  and Broderick Worchester both seemed to care for Draco, exceptionally.

Broderick had been the main orchestrator and planner of the get-together, planning everything to minute detail and careful precision.  Orphalien was grateful, truly. His knowledge on Draco was far superior than her own and he was more than keen on sharing that with her.

In fact, Orpha could even argue, that her knowledge on Broderick Worchester himself had grown exponentially too, in the past few weeks leading up to the Sunday bash. 

At the moment, the trio (though Lorna was uselessly  physically  present) were sat idle in Orpha and Willie's shared Mr. Wilton  cooking class.  

William Collins was sure to meet Oprah Nguyen after the Sunday Mass he was currently in.  Actually, the school was much quieter on Sunday morn.  A good few of the students and staff had also headed to mass.   

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