Our Time Together.

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Long chapter. It is a light  academia date after all.

"METHVEN HOLLOW  WAS FORMED BY Lennonopes Burvington and the  large Burvington clan when they first  arrived to  English shores in the 1500s.  But to most,  the more interesting history starts during the late 1700s a little more than 200 years after the founder created the land. We are not quite sure of why they chose the name Methven. Common to most, we are fairly sure it has nothing to do with the drug. Some say maybe it was a special name of someone in the clan."   A speaker spoke from somewhere in the high-ceiling heavens.

"METHVEN HOLLOW WAS PUT ON THE MAP BECAUSE OF THE LATER BURVINGTONS!"  Caspian Wentworth yelled so suddenly, even Alifa with the headphones  could feel the vibrations.

He looked down at her with mellow eyes, eyes that a sudden beam of light  from the celestial ceiling.

"But to me, Alifa... the real story begins not with them, but with with someone else."

He cautiously stepped closer, filling that awful gap between them. "It's not about the royal ties in my blood Alifa, that- that gets me."

"What then?"  She allowed him to step even closer. The  violin's  crescendos increased with every step.

"I know everyone is so fascinated with Thomas Burvington's clan and how they modernised this little village into the growing eccentric   town we see today.  And I get that, he's one of my more interesting ancestors but.... to me... it's him."  

Caspian jumped onto an empty pedestal with ease, draped on the side were rather fine and long cloths  of odd shapes Alifa could not recognise. Cas draped them over himself and puffed his chest.

"Lennonopes Baraknitz Burvington. The first and original Burvington to grace British shores." He pointed.

Alifa turned.

Right behind her, appearing from thin air came a man.  He was shorter than her but the sheer pulse of authority that poured out of him had Alifa stepping back.

The man's complexion was pure white, even paler than Caspian's if that were possible. A beauteous albino juxtaposed with his brown long beard and electrified hair. His robes were fine silk. Imperial and regal, people today would  perhaps have seen his image as comical but this was no humorous man.  The bulging muscle flexed as he circled around her as the light shone on them.

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