The Door.

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Alifa after all,  was that type.

The Musketeers had learned through respectful excessive watching , that Alifa Océane was a hugger, hand holder, empathetic touch  love language kind of person first and foremost. So this was no different on her character .


It was the fact...

that he hadn't pulled away yet.

Hendry Loic Dubois, was still being embraced.

Letting himself... be hugged.

By anyone, let alone

 Alifa Océane.

His face was stunned, and his eyes were as wide as the day he was adopted.

Time stood still, and what appeared to be 20 minutes of hugging was nothing more than about 12 seconds.

Before Hendry Dubois could process what was happening, Alifa Océane pulled away suddenly.

And to add another devastating blow to the Musketeers,

she let out her most multi-million dollar, white smile.

It beamed and radiated.

At him.

Shooting it's incandescent lights, at him.

Just for him.

She stared at him with the glass of her eyes like rheumy pearls . White, pristine and clean.

Hendry blinked.

"I- I don't even know what what I could, I could say. Oh my, Hendry." Her dark free hand was held towards her face to stop the heat spreading across . She fanned herself with the thick manuscript.

my Hendry?

Hendry felt the piercing gaze of the others on him, realising he had not spoken in a while, he cleared his throat silently hoping he still had a voice left.

"I am glad, you're taking a li-

"What is it Alifa?"

Caspian Wentworth asked.

He'd been fairly quiet.

"It's... It... it shouldn't even exist! LET ALONE BE IN MY HANDS!"  She pointed to the manuscript. "It's the rumoured first draft of Mar Amel's upcoming finale in my favourite 5 book series I-'ve - we've.. the literary world has been waiting for it for over 4 years and here it is.. in my hand? Hendry?"

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