I Guess it's A Date.

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And she hardly ever entered one. If not for academic excellence and the recognition of such.

Mr. Wentworth's joyous whistles followed her like the wind.   His ash white hair always seemed a moment away from taking flight off his head, flapping around in haphazard sections.   

His stubby body moved and prattled towards his large headmasters oak table. He sat down with a mighty oomph! and settled into the chair.

Silence washed over the pair.

It settled her.

Alifa Océane hadn't felt so relaxed in a long time.

His office felt grander and more open than before. She hadn't taken the time to have a good look around the last time she were here, and now... as a sudden relaxation bubbled to the surface of her mind she was able to let her aesthete senses take a closer lo-

"Would you like a bon bon my dear?!"   Arthurs soft voice pulled her back to the present time.

"Uh no th-

"Of course you do, this is mint and strawberry!"  He smiled, his jolly redness and laugh warmed the place. It seemed as though the ground shook with the weight of his hearty laugh. Warm, sincere and from the depths of his gut.

Alifa felt herself nodding.

Mr. Wentworth  pulled into a drawer near his shin and reached into it.

Out came a rather large and oddly shaped glass bowl, brimming with lollies, sweets and candy Alifa had never seen before.

How it fit in that cupboard was beyond her brain cell count.  Still, he reached in the odd bowl and handed her the sweet.

And for another moment they simply stared at one another.

The clock by the window ticked and tocked away, beating against the silence agonisingly slow.

Alifa's humming had returned and even she did not recognise the tune.

 Do what you  do.

Alifa's head snapped back, her coils slapped  her cheeks due to the speed. 

There it was again!

That... prominent thing again.

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