Entering the Door.

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The blackness  appeared inky and  thick and a  faint hollow sound wafted through the air,

seemingly beckoning them in.

The group took a step back altogether and shivered.

All bar one.

Alifa Océane hadn't moved from the very edge of the new and darkened door.

 Her eyes bore  right into the deep, dark abyss.

" What..." Serafina drawled.

Thank goodness no one looked at her or they would have seen her violently shaking arms and legs.


Isalina Ramirez found herself stepping towards the darkness.

A low smile etched on her face, an unblinking gaze peering into the chasm. There was someth-

Willie Collins' arm grabbed hers, looking into her eyes.

"I don't know about that love." he cautioned with a dark look on his face, not letting her  go.

Isalina blinked , a flicker of sudden cold brushed down her body. She didn't stop him, nor tore his arm off hers, instead she stepped back ever so slightly.

The new darkness had brought with it, a wave of silence the students found themselves drowning under.

The Musketeer's leader, stepped forward towards the door. His walk was slow and  his eyes strained. Peering into this particular darkness proved to be tough, as it just looked so.... murky. Almost tangible to touch.  Broderick Worchester scratched his head.

The large group of teens stared at the new gateway, unsure of what to do next.

If to do anything at all.

Hendry Dubois eyes too were glued onto the dark doorway, he watched the bookshelf and all the books perfectly placed in it.

Something felt off to him.

He couldn't think of a time where he passed this shelf,

or even a time he saw this far down the library in all his years being here.

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