The Dead, Misty Town

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THE TREES SEEMED TO HARBOR A CRUEL HATRED FOR THE GIRLS , THEIR BRANCHES  SCRATCHED AND BIT AT THE WINDSCREENS, with a ferocity one would only keep for their most formidable foe.

Lorna Simmon's eyes darted back and forth at an incredible speed as words and letters seemed to blur on the pages of the booklet. The many, booklets she had collected over the Summer. Given her family's more..... influential  disposition, it was not the most tedious of tasks, getting the information she required. And she were sure to claim,  no other person had created an extensive booklet about this infamous school.

If one could get past the screeching of the tires, the scraping of the trees and their knives... maybe you could have heard the low sounds of her brains mechanics, whizzing at a speed most deemed impossible.  

Her index finger, cramped a little, continued to flick page corner after page corner. The paper feeling like shards of glass against her flesh.  She didn't mind the sting.

On her shoulder, lay Orphalien's head. Her fingers whizzing, tapping softly against her screen. The gentle sounds of pixels and power blasts emitting from her phone. Orpha's smile lay lazily upon her  countenance as she blasted through the pixelated, formulated foes.  A gentle laugh leaving her lips once awhile.

"Ahh, zombies, pick on this, đau khổ, cảm nhận cơn thịnh nộ của tôi!  

( Suffer! feel my wrath )

For awhile, the scraping and scratching of the trees branches faded away.

"Hey Lorns...."  she hummed, eyes glued to her screen. "About before..."


"I don't mean to stifle your interests or anything. I just worry about you."

Lorna's gaze wavered ever so slightly between the curriculum page and towards her friends head.

"And with me, going to spend more time with my culinary goals, I won't be there as often.  I just want to make sure you have something to do instead of getting trapped in your head as y -

" Read. "

Orpha paused confused.  "I can read!"

Lorna scoffed. "Yeah obviously. I meant me!  I know there's a supposed stunning library there . I intend to read and read and read. Then read some more. I'm going to fill my brain with even  more bouts of knowledge  until I have a brain cramp. "


"You're not stifling anything, on the contrary....  I might  need you more than before."  Lorna sighed.

"Well then.... we need each other. What's new?"  Orpha settled back by her best friend's larger shoulders.

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