Scream Queens

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September 15th


And they knew it..

But Oh well!

Not even the sun had risen yet, turning a blind eye behind the night clouds for she knew all too well the authorities would charge her as an accomplice to their crimes. 

They stumbled, for it were still dark and  sleep still clouded their eyes. The Girlies, taken out of bed by themselves this time were dressed to the nines in their pristine Burberry uniforms and makeup. 

"It's just this way, come on."   

The girls followed his lead past the Senior Atrium first building with bent backs and guilty consciousness.

"Stop that."

Maybe just one in particular.

Alifa's cross pendant felt colder than the  morning wind that blew at them, heavier than her eyelids lulling to sleep.

"Do- don't you think it's a little excessive." She whispered.

The Girlies stopped in their weathered tracks just behind the building.  Sera groaned, slouching by the wall. Her ginger locks curled and bounced with every sigh.

"Told you not to include her." 

Alifa's eyes rolled.

Nikita Acharya felt it best to keep her own in a tight combat braid, nothing could obscure her sights or mind. Everything was crystal clear, fixed and focused. But she knew  this could happen.

"Priya, I'm not going to... force  you or anything but -

"They kidnapped us and then threw us in the woods. It would have been pre-mediated  murder if we were  killed, which I wouldn't put past them."  Lorna hissed. The morning, 4 am made her a venomous ally in the struggle. 

The others muttered and nodded thinking back to that night.

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