And So It Begins

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August 22nd

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August 22nd

NIKITA ACHARYA'S  STOMACH CHURNED WITH A FORCE ALMOST AS BAD AS THE PLANE'S TURBULENCE . They seemed to be in fierce competition with one another, but Nikita was never one to lose.

Her brown hand gripped onto the silver armrest tightly, the cool metallic sting doing extremely little to cool her palm and senses as she felt her body overheat.


You  dear reader, would find it quite hard to notice the stress strewn across her face , seeing as women are all actresses of the Meryl Streep grandeur, and this was an Oscar act Nikita Acharya  had been perfecting since she slid out of the womb, a crystalised Chanel bag in tow and matching heels on her feet.

"Panic while Pristine",  her aunt would tell her as she filed the thousandth already perfectly arched eyebrow. Tears welling in her eyes from the beautiful pain.

 Why not the  jet?   She thought  exasperated.

At least then, she would have known the pilot, and he'd never  fly this irresponsibly. She really didn't understand why it was such a big deal if they saw them coming out of a jet.

She doubted the students of such an... esteemed school, would fizzle at the sight of a private jet!

And to..... to fly first class...... economy?  One cancels the other, how do they not know this?

"Nikita, my love, we didn't even get on a first class plane until just after you were born."  Her parents attempt to ground her.

Her sister would never let her hear the end of it

At least there weren't any clamorous crying infants on board or so help her.... nope, nope not this time.

Another gentle shake of the turbulence caused her manicured nails to scrape roughly against the armrest. She didn't mind the idea of her nails being slightly chipped , as long as it remained just that, an idea. 

Nikita's ennui left her with nothing else to do but   gently peered around to look at the others. To spot any cracks or faults perhaps.

The plane was meh, but it did the job.

 Rows of  "plush" obsidian two- seater cabin seats filled her brown pupils, they were actually pretty comfortable and the grey thick blankets they provided brought forth the heat necessary. Though she didn't really understand why they'd give it to her, it was so hot in the airport and even  now on the plane , her Yves Saint Laurent  black trench coat lay sprawled on her neighbours' lap.

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