Baby Got Backhead

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August 29th

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It spoke more words to her than he did.

It was nice in a way, the back of his head didn't reply back in groaning and mutterings too incoherent for her to decipher. Nor, did it make her question whether or not she even wanted to know what it said.

Still, it bugged her just a little.

It would be nice to chat with him than hair follicles.  And besides, 

no one looked that decent in the morning without getting up earlier in the deep of  night.

Her feet, feeling like quicksand dragged behind him as they walked in complete silence. 

This scenario seemed almost too familiar.

"You mean to tell me, that you're doing cell immunology for your studies? Cause that's your dream? cell immunology?  seriously?"

"Yes, I do not see the big deal, at least my dream is on the ground."

"And that's a good thing?"

"That's debatable Viron, think about it... you know more about space than the ocean in your pool?? That's pretty disappointing, that's embarrassing." huffed Plato.

His steps were soft but sturdy in comparison to the harsh taps of his ornate cane.

Aria looked at her guide as if he'd grown the most hideous head , filled with terrifying yellow eyes and large nostrils of fire.   Who ... why biology?

"It's beautiful, in its own way Aria, strange but beautiful". smiled Plato, his smile was breathtakingly warm. The gentle cluster of freckles crinkled with his skin.

"Bloody, germ-filled, unpredictable, gushy,  nasty ...."

"And yet, still beautiful Viron."

Aria and Plato had hit it off nearly immediately, talking amongst themselves with an air of camaraderie and kindness. Probably even texting one another.  It seemed almost strange to imagine that they'd never met about a week ago.  From the first day of class, they were seen laughing and enjoying each other's presence. 

Alifa's dark eyes rolled back towards his head. Sighing.

I wish I could say the same.

Alifa Océane's  eyes had drifted to the open, beautiful beige walls. The beauty of the mornings rays bounced against the stone of the wall, casting a glow on her features. Its light danced against her dark  skin causing her to hum deeply.

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