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ISALINA RAMIREZ HAD NEVER SEEN SO MUCH GREEN IN HER ENTIRE  LIFE.....  THIS COMING FROM A MULTI-MILLIONAIRE. Her black  geometric Tom Ford  Sunglasses  were now perched atop her sleek black hair. Her eyes  preoccupied at the sight in front of her. The large rectangular window fogged a little, showed her and the other girls, quite a marvellous sight. 



The gentle chugging of the train against the track seemed to be their surrounding  soundtrack as their widened eyes gaped  at  the scene in front of them.

The greenery seemed to be stretching on for infinity. Emerald, jade, lime and deep dark greens bombarded their peripherals. Tall, wide, long, short trees of every combination too, the window was open and  the gentle zephyr of the wind blew through Isalina and her hair. Sleeked to perfection no strand moved, but her hand brushed through it  reflexively.

"I can't even believe that we're here.... I mean... just look at all this..."  

Isalina thought back to the raffle and the moment her name were picked, the various online meetings and now.... all this.

"Yeah.... I know, it's like.. it hasn't hit me yet, or maybe I'm  just stuck in one of my made up  scenarios." Orphalien zoned out for a moment.  



"Just me?.....   liars".

The sky had cleared for a moment, and even the blue of the sky could be seen once again, differing from its greying counterpart  moment ago. Isalina hadn't even realised that her palms were keen against the window until it were pointed out.

"You're in the way Isalina.... once again"  Serafina  huffed, trying to get a look at the beauteous view in front of them.

"No one sees it till it's "Issa Approved"  first, "   Isalina's body hadn't even turned to face the voice. 

"Alright move, I'm taking this pic, scoot over. " Ramirez flailed her arms , shooing Serafina away before grabbing her phone. The sounds of plethora clicks ended as swiftly as they began, before her phone disappeared unnaturally fast.

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