The Letter Of Acceptance

351 12 1

Burvington Private  Academy

Meththven Hollow 2

Surrey countryside 

Great Britain

May 24th   

To whom it may concern,

Dear Ms. Kamtchou.

On behalf of the staff and students of the Burvington Preparatory Academy, we would like to congratulate you on your  serendipitous win. 

We are more than pleased to have the likes of  you, a student  from the world renowned Geraldine Private Preparatory  Academy in New York,  joining us for from late August  to  mid February, give or take an extra week.  (The details have yet to be discussed in full with your other  random winners.)

Burvington has for a long time established itself  as a school of excellence in every way, expelling the falsehoods of perfection for favour of authentic erudition.  We expect such from you Ms. Kamtchou.   

It is a school for geniuses after all. 

(Leave humility and formalities for when we meet.)

You and the other 6 victors will have subsequent  online meetings and emails from this moment on  with the heads of  faculties. Meetings about classes and what ever else all in time for your international, educational trip to the wondrous woodland hills of Methven.

Methuven Hollow, as you may or may not know, is situated  in the Surrey countryside. The time in which ye are set to visit us, is in fact the most wondrous of all times. The  growing town's main festivals (our main attractions)  occur during the Autumnal months into the Winter.   Of  course you can research all this in your own time, but I am of the opinion that even the vast and immense power of the wide web, is no match for the.... unique real thing.  

(Also.... it would do you well Ms Kamtchou, to consider splurging on a pair of  rather strong Wellington Boots.  And then some.  Just a suggestion.)

  Do not worry, we have plenty of time, but we might as well get started shall we not?

Ye will be in line with your Junior year equivalent students here(year 4 ), they will be sure to greet you and welcome thee with a kindness only a Burvington Burlie can offer.  Each of you will have a personal guide for the year to help make the inevitable switch of Girlie to Burlie  a more easier one. But more on that, when the time allows for  it.

This will be the first of a few letters you will receive.   With this one comes the first Burvington pamphlet, with personalised information that pertains specifically to you. 

 I hope it finds you well.

Well, I think this is more than enough to perhaps get you excited about your new journey! 

 We here at the Boys Academy are looking forward to seeing your great minds at work. Perhaps you will find yourself in steep competition Ms. Kamtchou.   

Daring Dreams,

Daring Dreams,

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p.s :  There is no hiding the... strangeness of  your future , more... male disposition. And to that we say 2 things.  

 1:  You wouldn't be in Geraldine's if you are unable to be at Burvington's.

                                                                    and 2:    It's only 6-ish months. 


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