The Trip II

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"It's beautiful."   


"THE BOG OF BURVINGTON, or the BURVINGTON BOG!"   The lady guide exclaimed, her arm was up with excitement.

 Nikita looked to her with a wariness and caution.

The group stood on grassy terrain.  Long shards of grass swayed around their feet.  In front of them, spread out wildly was a wide expansion of bogland.  It stretched out for miles.  A relatively large lake was present, eroded banks and beds could be seen.  The surface of the lake was calm and peaceful, swans gliding.  

The birds song was all around them and the clean, crisp taste of the air clung to their tongues.  The green surrounded them and the sun blasted on higher.

Alifa Océane stepped forward without thinking.

  Her head ached as usual .Her eyes unblinking at the sights in front of her.  Everyone of her senses on overdrive, attempting to take in all that her surroundings had to of-


"AHH!"   Alifa jumped.

"Any closer and you'll fall right in the bog. "

She along with everyone, turned to face the tour lady with furrowed gazes.

" It's deeper than it looks.  That  pretty yellow, ensemble of yours would be destroyed. And that would be a travesty in  and of itself.  That, and only booked few are permitted to enter the bog."  The lady spoke.   

"It does miracles for the skin, really. It is actually one of Methven's best money makers.  People come all around to the other side of the bog where facials and peat massages are done.  Sets back those rough years by at least 18."

"Hmm."  Isalina Ramirez smiled.

"SORRY, It's just so... it's just so.... "

No word could she conjure in Alifa's  erratic mind, that could perhaps name the strange clash of feelings this place gave her.  Beautiful and chaotic.

"I understand completely, learner.  It is the bog amongst other things that makes Methven Hollow so.. infamous. Do yo see it? Ruminating on the surface ?"

The Girlies watched the bog, only just aware to what had been gliding around it.

That Mist. That glaucous and airy swirl.

"What's causing the mist?"

"No person truly knows, but what they do know is that the Mist wasn't there before. Not before the Burvingtons"

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