Chemistry and Confucius

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August 29th

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August 29th

"EN EL NOMBRE DEL PADRE Y DEL HIJO. ESPÍRITU SANTO, guía MIS MANOS , YA QUE SE ADENTRAN EN LO DESCONOCIDO , No dejes que esto sea una repetición de la última vez, amén."

(In the name of the Father and of the Son. Holy Spirit, guide my hands as they delve into the unknown, Don't let this be a repeat of last time amen.)

"Fire in the whole muchachos británicos! "



A billowing cloud of smoke filled the laboratory in matter of seconds.

A cacophony of discordant sounds as chairs scratching the ground and deep croaking coughs begun to flood her auditory senses. Its fumes chemically induced and only thickening by the second.

"I can't breathe I can't breathe!"


"HOW IS THAT OUTCOME EVEN POSSIBLE?... we were only supposed to -

"We're dying lads."


"The WinDOws wOn'T BuDGe!"

Boys bumped and thrashed into one another  towards the doors. Fortunately, the laboratories were as capacious as they were stylishly modern and the windows opened with another bud

"Alright Burlies ... out we go, to the lawns. I'll ask for the announcement.... again."

Ms. Simms's sighing voice was miraculously able to penetrate through the thickening smoke, barely anyone was left in the laboratory anyway by the time she spoke. They had all  since abandoned ship.

Within moments, the side lawns in which the students ran across  were printed with scattered coloured foot marks. The heavy  smoke seemed to have followed them as large plumes hung around the air.

Heaving breathes and laboured breathing shifted the quiet ambiance of the birds song.

A boy or two laid on the grassy knoll rolling.

They looked amongst themselves in shivers scanning the verdant greenery.

"I can't.... I can't Ms."

"Yeah, it's too much...."

"I just- I just want to come to chemistry without fear of castration. Is that a sin? A man protecting a moat precious part of his manho-

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