Nefarious Notes, Unwelcomed Urgings.

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Mr. Gardener's ancient beard was sentient. The ash white gleamed in the grey sky.  

The forest, seemed to darken as its name was uttered.  The tall and clustered tree trunks screamed at them, begging to reconsider.  

One by one, the students  stepped into it.

 Clamouring with delight and dirty jokes, they bounded in. 

Alifa Océane gulped, the last one standing at the entrance.   

Her head fuzzy, swarming with the whispers and voices.   Even with the bombardment of these sounds, her instincts were still functioning enough to warn herself. 

Careful .

Her stomach sank at the sudden thought. 

"Ms. OCÉANE!  Time waits for no one and yet you stand there as if it be your footstool?!" cried Mr. Gardner who re-emerged from the the trees.  A funny look on his old features. 


"SORRY! S- She was waiting for me!"  

Caspian Wentworth dashed towards them in haste accompanied of course by his signature red blush and breathlessness, it was clear he would perhaps collapse before arrival.

"Apologies sir.. It... it seems that I had forgotten my hat and the weather's dropped significantly. Alifa's just being kind and waiting on me. That's all. " he blubbered out quickly.  

In his hand sat  a most hideous pink hat.

If Isalina were here....

Thank God she hated him.

Mr. Gardener's face contorted into one of great joy.  

"The DEAD FEEL NOT THE COLD!!  Let us go! "   

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