Lorna and Lawrence.

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 29th September


At least by Lorna's standards.

The library was an erudite's dream.  In every way and sense.

It  was almost as if  it's brilliance was something it tried to hide. Not wanting to seem ostentatious and prideful, the library could be labelled as Humble  Excellence.   With it's grand shelves and stacks of beautiful books, all lined in the perfect order it... it was...


Her blonde hair seemed to have grown rapidly right after the cut.  Her golden strands were centimetres away from gracing her shoulders, but remained suspended in the space between.  

The  early morning sky was as grey as usual. Something she'd have to grow familiar with. She sat in a secluded but open part of the vast library.  Lorna Simmons was not quite sure if she'd even seen  the end of it. 

All around her, thick and worn books splayed open.  Latin and complex histories of complex mysteries.    Still, her brain translated from language to language relatively well.

"Now Darlin' how far have you gotten, since the last time we spoke?"

The thick Southern drawl of her father's voice rung through her headphones loudly.  He never was one to listen when she told him, he spoke too loudly.   She winced but thanks be the steam from her  tall coffee order swirled into her ears.

"Hmm, not much added to the report, Roger that."  

"Really? Nothing new? The last time I heard you say  that, you was about 7 years old and you solved the problem 2 hours later. Your findings were pivotal in solving that media scandal and upped our stock by 3%!"  

"You're having a steak right now, aren't you dad?"  she laughed, already knowing the answer.  

Lorna would never claim to have the most creative of imaginations, she was more the logical and analytical one. But, the classic scene of her father with the meat on his plate was.... 

"Why of course, the steaks in NY are a disgrace, we're back in Texas. I-... can't stay there!  New York just ain't the same without ya!  Now back to the case bud!  Go on... don't mind my fork scrapin ! "

Lorna took a breath and closed her eyes. When they opened again, her cerulean gaze caught to the now preoccupied chair right next to her.    Her father was right here and the smell of the steak filled her nose.  What other way would she have it? 

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