my little love

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Harry opens the door and freezes when he's met with a sight he never wants to forget. Niall cradling a small baby wrapped up in a blue blanket in his arms singing softly with a smile on his face he's never seen before. It was breathtaking. He takes a few steps forward and that's all it takes for him to breakdown catching Niall's attention.

"Harry? What's— are you okay?" Niall wishes he could get off the bed to check on him but he was told he couldn't get up. "Harry?"

"I-I tried getting here sooner but... I missed it. I missed his birth." He stood by the foot of the bed unable to walk further. "I needed to be there and I wasn't."

"Haz," He says softly. "It all happened so fast and even if you had been here they wouldn't have let you in, it was an emergency c-section. No one could've gone in with me, so please don't cry."

"I'm sorry for not being there for you, I'm sorry—"

"No need to apologize," Niall gives him a smile hoping it would calm him down a bit. "Come hold him."

Harry wipes his face before making his way over to them with shaky legs, he holds his breath slowly looking at the newborn in Niall's arms, his son. He cries once again not being able to hold back. He was gorgeous, his pink pouty lips, cute button nose, long lashes, and although he couldn't see his eyes he knew they were beautiful. "He's so beautiful, he's perfect." He lets out a watery laugh. "So perfect."

Niall glances down at his baby and then back up at Harry. "He really is." He kisses his small nose and then both cheeks before gently handing him over to Harry.

"I love you so much baby." He coos pressing his nose to his forehead and smiling when he hears little grunts. "I'm your papa." Harry couldn't believe he was finally holding his son in his arms, he's the happiest he's ever been. He presses kisses all over his face chuckling softly at his small noises. "How are you? Was there any complications?" He asks Niall with concern in his eyes.

"No complications." Niall lays his head back feeling the exhaustion hit him like a train. "I'm sore and really sleepy but I'm okay."

Harry careful not to wake his baby, leans over to kiss Niall's forehead. "I'm glad you're okay, that both of you are okay."

Niall smiles up at Harry seeing the tensed shoulders drop, he looks a lot less anxious and more at ease than he did a few minutes ago. He jumps slightly when there's a knock on the door, he turns his head to see the nurse walk in.

"Hello there, you must be Harry." She greets Harry with a wide smile. "I'm Raye."

"Hi, nice to meet you Raye." He smiles back at her, he goes to sit on the chair next to the bed to give her space to do what she had to do.

"Just checking Niall's vitals," The nurse says as she checks on Niall. "Good. Now, I'm surprised you're still awake love."

"I uh... yeah, sorry I didn't want to put him down." Niall blushes, since the moment they had placed his baby in his arms he hasn't let go, not until Harry arrived.

"Well, Harry is here now so I suggest you sleep. You need lots of rest." She pats his knee turning to Harry. "I'll be back in about an hour to feed him his second bottle."

Harry nods and thanks her as she excuses herself, he glances down at his son caressing his soft cheek and carefully lifting the small hat to have a look at his hair which he didn't have much of, then slowly unwraps the blanket smiling at his little fists and chubby legs, he couldn't help but coo at his tiny feet. Everything about him was perfect. He wraps him up again not wanting him to get cold, he kisses him and holds him against his chest. When he looks over at Niall he sees that he had fallen asleep. He decides to send Gemma a quick text message letting her know Niall is okay, not even a minute had passed his phone goes off, he quickly answers.

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