i wish you the best

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"He fell asleep," Harry says when he opens the car door to take Darius out. "Now I feel bad taking him out." He frowns staring at his five month old asleep with his purple binky in his mouth and his little hand fisting his soft blanket.

"I think he'll be fine, and it's not his nap time so it's okay if he does wake up. I just hope he sleeps through the night now." Niall says as he stuffed the changing bag under the buggy.

Harry as carefully as possible takes the car seat out of the car and snaps it on the buggy. He sighs in relief when Darius doesn't cry. "At least he'll let us eat peacefully." He smiles, excited for their first official outing as a family. He pushes the buggy with Niall walking right beside him, he looks into the shops they pass by keeping in mind which ones he'd like to stop by after lunch.

Niall fastens his pace to hold the door open for Harry but an old man beats him to it. "Oh, thank you." He lets Harry go in first.

"Thank you." Harry smiles at the older man.

"Lovely family." He grins looking at them. "Enjoy your lunch."

"Thanks again." Niall blushes following Harry inside the small restaurant, they get seated by the window. Niall helps Harry with the buggy making sure it's locked in place before both sitting down across each other. "Liam offered to babysit Darius tonight." He feels his face heating up when Harry glances at him.

"I reckon Darius will love that." He chuckles looking over at his son who was still asleep. "Although Zayn and Louis will be jealous, they've been begging to babysit him for ages now."

"I know but they've had him for one full night already and Liam hasn't. I mean, it won't be for the full night because I don't think I can leave him again, but yeah." Niall rambles, he did feel awful for not letting Louis and Zayn mind Darius every time they offer but the truth was, he didn't like being away from him. And he only agreed to let Liam watch him because it wasn't going to be for the whole night just a couple hours.

"I don't think I can either, even if I do miss when we had full a nights rest." He smiles. "To be fair he's gotten a lot better at sleeping through the night so can't really complain about that, also, I love giving him a good cuddle in the middle of the night."

"Yeah, he's the best snuggle buddy." He quickly scans the menu when he sees the waiter coming their way. They both order and silently look out the window as they wait.

"Well look who's awake," Harry chuckles seeing his son smile at him and kick his chubby legs in excitement. "You're so happy my darling." He coos at him.

"He'll probably want his bottle." Niall smiles when Darius' bright green eyes look over at him and he starts making little babbling noises. "Are you hungry pet?" He asks as he reaches for the changing bag to prepare a bottle.

Harry leans forward to wiggle his fingers in front of Darius, laughing as his son smiles excitedly and grabs onto them bringing them to his mouth. "Not everything goes into your mouth, love."

"He's so silly," He loves watching Harry and Darius interact, both always smiling at each other and it's the cutest thing ever. "Here you go, little love. This is a lot better than your papa's fingers."

"Heyyy!" Harry pouts making Niall laugh. "I—"


Niall freezes up and slowly looks up, he had thought he'd never see Roger again, not since the last time they were together. He looked different, he had longer hair and had a beard. He looked good nonetheless. "Hi."

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