a shitty event innit

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Niall has never felt so out of place like he does now, he was surrounded by smart business people who talked about things he didn't understand. He kept a friendly smile on his face and nodded when he thought it was appropriate but other than that he stayed quiet and made sure he was as close as possible to Roger who kept an arm around him at all times. Niall glanced around to see if he would find Harry but to his luck he doesn't.

"And this is Niall," Roger introduces him to a woman with a red tight dress.

"You're expecting!?" The woman asks excitedly, she rushes to be by Niall's side and asking if she could touch the bump.

Niall nods shyly and maybe uncomfortably as well, he looks up at Roger and sees the apologetic smile. "I am, yeah." He mumbles.

"Didn't know Rog was going to be a dad! Aw I'm so happy for the both of you!" She squeals wrapping her arms around Niall in a tight hug.

"I'm not—" Roger goes to tell her Niall wasn't expecting his baby but he gets called from across the room near the bar, he sighs and turns his gaze to her. "Excuse us." He presses his palm on the small of Niall's back.

"She- you should've told her I'm not having your baby, Rog." Niall stresses not wanting people to think that. "Why didn't you?"

"I'm sorry but John Ford is probably the most important person in here and I can't make him wait, I'll make sure to clear that up with her after I finish talking to him." He clears his throat and smiles widely at the older man. "Hello, mister Ford."

Niall tunes them out, he wasn't interested in what they were talking about so he keeps his attention on the bartender who busied himself with all the drink orders, he seemed a bit pissed. He blushes when the man catches his gaze and winks at him, he makes his way over to him and he starts to panic. Well shit.

"Anything to drink lad?" The bartender wipes down the bar keeping the smirk on his face.

"I-I can't sorry." Niall looks away hoping the lad has left to attend someone else.

"We've got non alcoholic drinks too, ya know?" He leans his arm on the bar top. "It's all free too, if I were you I'd take advantage of that." He wiggles his brows chuckling at his blush.

"I'm okay—"

"So are you two getting married?" John Ford places his hand on Niall's shoulder to gain his attention.

"Uh who?" Niall looks between the older man and Roger.

"You and Roger." The old man squeezes his shoulder.

Niall whimpers when John squeezes his shoulder a little too harshly. "We're not getting married." He steps back accidentally bumping into someone. "I'm really sorry— Harry?" He feels his cheeks turn bright red when he sees how gorgeous Harry looked with his hair styled and in a nice fitted suit.

"Hi." Harry smiles softly taking in Niall's outfit, fitted navy trousers and a white lose buttoned up short sleeved shirt. "You look gorgeous." He whispers for only him to hear.

"You're having a child with him, how do you not plan on getting married?"

"Oh well—"

"Sorry," Harry furrows his brows and stands straighter. "Niall isn't having his child, he's having mine." He corrects the man who looked at him with wide eyes.

"Excuse me?" John looks confused.

"Niall is having my baby." Harry shoots Roger an angry glare. What the fuck.

"I thought he was with you," The man turns to Roger who kept his face emotionless.

"He is," Roger runs his hand through his hair. "But yeah, he's not having my child. He's having his, which he's married to someone already."

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