no, you fucking lied to him

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"We should invite our families over this weekend so we could tell them you're pregnant." Harry looks at Astrid.

"I rather wait a little bit longer." Astrid quickly says. "What's the rush anyway?" She watches Harry sigh for the billionth time that evening.

"I thought you were excited to tell everyone, but if you want to wait that's fine." He takes a sip of wine, he furrows his brows when he hears the doorbell ring. "Were you expecting anyone?"

"No." She shakes her head.

"I'll get it." Harry stands up and walks over to the door, he opens it to reveal Louis and Zayn.

"Aren't you going to let us inside?" Louis quirks an eyebrow and smirks slightly.

"Yeah, sorry. We were eating dinner, you can join us if you'd like." He steps aside to let them through. He looks away from Zayn's cold stare, he hasn't talked to him since he had gone to his office to talk to him, it's been a month.

"We ate already but we'll join you anyway." The Doncaster lad grins. "Astrid, how are you feeling?" He asks as soon as he steps into the dining room.

"Good, cousin." She smiles back at him. "Hi Zayn." He acknowledges him with a nod.

"Hello." Zayn sits next to Louis, his eyes trained on Harry. He doesn't seem like himself, there's something going on. "So when are you two going to find out the gender?" He glances over at Astrid who weirdly became pale and her blue eyes widened.

"Not until she's four months, I think." Harry answers taking a forkful of mashed potatoes.

"How far along are you again?" He narrows his eyes as she shifted nervously.

"About two months." Astrid looks up to give Zayn a smile but drops it when Zayn shoots her a glare.

"Why haven't you gotten an ultrasound yet?"

"Because my doctor is busy." She stands up in a swift motion and quickly picks her plate up. "I'm going to go call my mum." She leaves in a rush.

"Why are you here?" Harry asks when silence filled the room.

"We haven't properly hung out in a while." Louis sighs. "We've been too busy with the house and Zayn with preparing for the holidays."

"Seems like you don't even want us here." Zayn leans forward. "Why is that?"

"What?" Harry finally looks at him.

"Before either of you start talking shit to each other, I'm gonna go and find Astrid, seems like you two hate each other right now and I don't want be in the middle of that." Louis goes to walk away but Zayn stops him.

"I think we were going to—"

"We are." He cups his face and kisses him. "I'll give you two some alone time."

"Lou!" Zayn glares. "Prick." He mumbles when his husband walks away.

"How have you been, Zayn?" Harry places the fork down and focuses his attention on his mate.

"Good." He taps his fingers on the table. "Why have you been avoiding me? And don't say you haven't been avoiding me because we both know that's bullshit."

"You've chosen him over me." He says in a bitter tone.

"I didn't." Zayn says in defense.

"He works for you, Zayn—"

"You fired him, I couldn't just leave him with no job!" He slams his hands on the table.

"I didn't fire him." Harry says through gritted teeth.

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