he's a friend

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"Negative." Astrid rubs her temples. "All of them are negative."

"Asty," Harry sighs. "It'll happen when you least expect it, don't stress over it." He lays down on the bed looking up at the ceiling.

"We've been trying for a month now and still nothing. What the hell are we doing wrong?" She throws away the pregnancy tests into the bin.

"Nothing, just calm down." He needed a break from all this baby talk, it was overwhelming.

"Let's try right now." Astrid straddles Harry's waist and starts kissing him, she was taken aback when Harry stops her.

"I'm tired." Harry grips her waist.

"Harry we can't waste time, come on baby." She whines loudly.

"We've been doing it everyday, twice a day, maybe we need a break." He sighs once again when he sees her shake her head.

"No, Haz, we have to keep trying." She dips her hand inside his joggers.

"This isn't healthy." Harry quickly takes her hand out. "We argue too much to make this whole thing enjoyable."

"Are you saying having sex with me is boring?" Astrid becomes angry, she didn't get why Harry was so snappy these past few weeks. I'm the one who should be pissed.

"You're becoming so obsessed with getting pregnant, seems like that's all you care. You don't stop to think about how I feel, no, all you bloody want from me is my sperm." He stares at her angrily.

"No. What I want is to have your baby, start our own little family." She bites down on her lip.

"What if... what if I don't want a child?"

"What the hell are you saying?" Astrid snaps making him flinch. "We've always talked about having children."

"I don't think I'm ready—"

"We're nearly thirty, Harry. It's damn time we have a kid. I don't want to be an old mum." Astrid frowns when Harry removes her from on top of him. "What are you doing?"

"I need some fresh air." Harry gets out of the bed and quickly grabs his jumper, he needed to get away. "I'll be back, just going to the gym for a bit."

"Okay." She leans back when he tries to kiss her.

Harry knew he had pissed her off and he should stay to make her happy but he couldn't stand being in that room with her. She was obsessed with the whole baby thing, she wouldn't even see how ridiculous she was being. So he leaves and drives himself to what he thought was the gym but soon realizes he was driving towards Niall's flat. He hasn't seen him for a little over a month and if he was being honest he missed him. He'd always think about him, think about how he's doing and if he was seeing someone else.

He parks the car and just stares at the building, he was so tempted to go inside and have a quick chat with him but he couldn't. He had to let him go and forget about him.

He goes to drive away but stops when he notices a very expansive car pull up. He furrows his brows confused, usually those kind of cars wouldn't be seen around this part of town. He narrows his eyes when he sees Niall step out of it followed by the lad from last time. Why the hell is he here? He grips the steering wheel tighter when the lad wraps his arm around Niall's small waist. Niall seemed like he enjoyed being held by him and that bothered Harry a lot.

"He's too old for him, surely." He grumbles under his breath. He rubs his temples not really knowing what to do or even feel. "I'm bloody twenty eight and acting this way, god, what the hell happened to me?" He cards his fingers through his hair. I need to get away. He gives one last glance at Niall before driving off to the gym.

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