follow me

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It was late, really late and Niall should probably be home but he isn't. Instead he's at the park looking up at the moon and the stars trying to forget how shitty his life was. He shuts his eyes trying to focus on the sounds surrounding him; crickets, cars zooming by, the wind, an owl. It was all so calming. Comforting even.

He takes a few deep breaths before finally standing up to leave. He freezes when he sees a figure only a few feet away from him, he squints his eyes to try and see but it was too dark to tell who it was. He quickly turns around and runs back to his flat without looking back. He had a bad feeling.

"Have you seen a ghost?" Conan watches Niall jump at his loud voice, he sees him struggle to unlock his door. "Stop that." He takes the keys away from him.

"I want to sleep, please." Niall glances over at the lift then back at him.

"Is someone following you?" He narrows his eyes.

"No." He takes his keys back and unlocks his door, he goes to shut it but Conan stops him. No.

"I can help you feel better," Conan steps towards him pressing his lips to Niall's neck. "I'll make you feel so fucking good." He pushes him back making him stumble a bit.

"Shouldn't you be going to work—"

Conan kisses him hard on the lips while his hands go down to Niall's bum. He pulls him closer until their crotches were pressed together, he loses it when he hears him whimper. He picks him up and harshly throws him on the sofa.

"Fuck." Niall groans when his head hits the armrest. "Y-you're going to be late." He looks up at him with watery eyes, hoping he'd leave.

"Well let's make this quick then. Take your clothes off." He growls, taking his own clothes off as well.

"O-okay." Niall starts removing his clothes with shaky hands. Why won't he leave me alone?

"You're so pretty." Conan wets his lips.

Niall laid there with Conan between his legs, he looked up at the ceiling tears rolling down his face. He hated how rough he was, always leaving nasty bruises on his body. He wouldn't be surprised if he didn't want to touch him ever again after he sees all the dark bruises Conan left on him. It was ridiculous.

"So fucking good." He moans as he thrusted harder.

Niall forced himself to think about him, his soft gentle touches, his sweet kisses, his gorgeous eyes that held nothing but kindness in them. Him. He gets pulled out of his thoughts when he hears Conan yell. He blinks away the tears and glances up at him, he follows his gaze and sees him standing there. Oh fuck.

"Get away from him." He says as calmly as he could.

"You'll get your turn in a second, let me finish." Conan waves him off. "You can watch if you'd like."

He looks between the dark haired lad and Niall, he clenches his jaw when he sees him crying. He doesn't want this. "Get the fuck away from him. Now." He says lowly.

"Oh fuck off!" He snaps, his thrusts becoming sloppier. He leans down to kiss Niall but gets pulled back and thrown to the floor. "What the fuck!"

"You're a piece of shit." He pulls him up and shoves him out into hallway throwing his clothes to him. "Don't you ever touch him again." He threatens before slamming the door on his face. He walks back to Niall, unsure on what to do, he stands there watching him cry. He probably should've left as soon as he noticed Niall's door open, he shouldn't have walked in and he shouldn't have pushed the dirty bastard away. He shouldn't be caring for someone like him.

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