i have a surpise for you!

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Niall couldn't stop thinking about him, it was so wrong to feel this way towards a married man but he couldn't help it. He was so caring and gentle with him. That's all he ever wanted, for someone to be there for him. Looking out for him.

He blew on the hot coffee before taking a sip of it, he perks up when he hears a knock on the door. He furrows his eyebrows as he stood up and opened the door, he never had visitors this early in the morning.

"Is your lover here?"

"Conan, he's not my lover." Niall rolls his eyes, he wasn't going to let Conan push him around like he always did. He was sick and tired of it.

"I'm going to need half of what he gives you since his dumbass got me in trouble with my boss." He pushes past him plopping down on the sofa. "Got me all bruised up that fucker."

"What do you mean half of what he gives you?" He shuts the door and makes his way over to him.

"The money he gives you for letting him fuck you." Conan says in a 'duh' tone. "So, is he coming tonight?"

"He doesn't give me any money." Niall narrows his eyes at him.

"Bullshit." He pulls him down making him fall harshly on the sofa.

"I'm not a prostitute." He spits out feeling angry at him for assuming he would shag someone for money. He would never.

"Why would anyone fuck someone who is married without getting anything in return?— besides pleasure of course." Conan watches him closely and then something clicks. "Oh my god, you're in love with him."

"What? No." Niall was quick to deny, he couldn't have him think he was feeling a certain way towards him.

"You're lying." He smirks. "You're really in love with him."

"I'm not." He whimpers when Conan grips his chin harshly.

"He's never going to love you," Conan felt bad for being this harsh but Niall needed to hear the truth. "No one ever falls in love with people like us. They only want our bodies, they don't even see us as fucking people. We're just dirt to them. It's best to cut all ties with him and forget about him."

Niall couldn't hold back the tears, he knew he was telling the truth. He wasn't meant to be loved.

"Trust me, it'll hurt less if you never see him again." Conan pats his cheek. "He'll find someone else to shag, in fact, I have someone who is interested, he's a wild one. Your lover will definitely enjoy him a lot."

"No." He snaps his eyes up at him.

"No?" He cocks his eyebrow. "He'll stop seeing you and you'll be able to move on. This is for the best."

"I said no. He's not going to fuck around with a prostitute—"

"You're no better than him, only difference is he's smart enough to get money out of it." Conan glares.

"Get the fuck out." Niall slaps his hand away when he tries to touch him. "Get out."

"He'll never leave his wife for someone like you, hell, he'll never love you or feel anything towards you." He says before storming out. "You're nothing to him."

I mean nothing to him, maybe I should just disappear for good. Get away from here and start fresh somewhere far away. Find someone who will see me as a person and not an object. I need to get away.


Niall thought about leaving, even packed his belongings but he couldn't. Something seemed to stop him. And now he stood in front of a nice looking house, he had been hired to paint a nursery. His favorite thing to paint, it always got him giddy. He rings the doorbell and patiently waits for someone to open the door. He smiles when a young woman opens it and beckons him to follow her.

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