it's complicated

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"Well good morning! Or is it afternoon?" Mason rubs his eye walking over to the fridge to look for something to eat.

"It's actually night." Niall says quietly, it's been three days since he has last seen him and he did worry about him but also he didn't want to bother him so he kept to himself.

"Oh, hmm well, I'm done with my painting. Have you gone out and explored?" He takes out a pear and bites into.

"No, I was afraid to get lost if I'm being honest." He breathes out, he's been cooped up in the cabin and it hasn't been that bad but he's been itching to go outside for a walk.

"I'll take you out tomorrow, show you a bit around here." Mason smiles widely. "Have you slept well?"

"Yeah, it's very quiet. Different from where I lived before, I'm used to the city noise." Niall gets up to wash up the teacup he had just used.

"Quite the change, huh? But I feel like you'll really enjoy being here. There's lots to do, and the people in town are the kindest people I've ever met. They'll gush over you I'm sure." He sees Niall's blush. "I don't mean to be nosy or anything but have you got your phone off? Liam has been messaging nonstop about you not texting back. I mean I couldn't answer my phone because I was too busy. I've just sent him a text telling him you were fine but, he's really worried."

"Oh, I've had it turned off. I'll... I'll check it right now." Niall dries his hands on his jeans and starts walking out of the kitchen.

"You don't have to, not if you don't want to." Mason says after him. "I mean, you don't owe him anything."

"Of course I do, if it weren't for him I wouldn't have anywhere to go to. He's the one who called you and asked you if I could stay here—"

"What I mean is, you go with your own pace. Don't feel like you have to do anything you're not ready to do. If you don't want to turn your phone on until next month then do that, do what's best for you." He shrugs and walks past him.

Niall knew he was right, he didn't have to message Liam back but he wanted to. Liam was his friend and he couldn't ignore him any longer. He walks into his room and goes straight to where he had his phone, he turns it on with a shaky hand and waits. He widens his eyes when he sees how many notifications he had, a few from Zayn and Liam, two from Anne and... it broke his heart to see the amount of missed calls and messages he had from Harry.

His thumb hovered over Harry's name, thinking of calling him and making sure he was okay but he stops himself before he could do that. He wasn't ready. Instead, he taps on Liam's name and types a quick text telling him he was okay. He then typed another short message to Marina. I've left the country, just like you wanted. I don't want to ever see you or hear from you again. And maybe don't go around pretending to be someone's aunt again.

He rubs his baby bump when he feels kicks, he looks down and sighs. "I'm so sorry darling, I'm really sorry." He takes deep breaths, not wanting to break down again. I've cried enough.


"Merry Christmas!" Mason pulls Niall into a hug. "I've got you a gift, well, kinda." He chuckles pulling him towards his art room.

"You didn't have to..." Niall looks around the room, it was his first time being in there so it was quite the surprise for him. "Um.. why are we in here?"

"My gift to you is, if you'd let me that is, to paint you." He lets go of his hand and points to an empty canvas. "So you could have a little something of when you were pregnant. See, I've got this idea and I think you'll like it but it's up to you. If you're comfortable enough to let me do a painting of you."

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