is the tea okay?

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"Is he here?" Zayn asks as soon as Niall opens the door.

"Yeah, yeah he is." Niall let's him inside, quietly sighing and rubbing his aching back.

"I was so worried," He frowns. "Louis was right, I should've just let her tell him. Fuck, I just... I couldn't let him think that he was the cause of a miscarriage that was faked. I didn't handle it well and if Louis was with me he'd know what to do but he's gone... he's fucking gone."

Niall was quick to embrace him, he lets him cry it out whilst he rubbed his back trying to soothe him. After a few minutes Zayn pulls away to wipes his cheeks. "What's going on Zayn?" He asks softly.

"Louis— after I dropped you off at Harry's, I went back to talk to Louis and confront him about the divorce papers but he was gone. I called and called until he finally picked up and told me he left, he wasn't going to come back until I sign the papers." Zayn breathes out a shaky breath. "I've just been so out of it and I guess when you told me about Astrid I snapped. Told Harry the truth without even thinking about how it would affect him, I was stupid."

"Zayn, breathe." Niall places his hands on his shoulders. "Breathe."

"Harry was so broken, he... he left and I didn't hear from him. I've been so worried." He looks around the flat. "Where is he? Can I go see him?"

"He's been sleeping a lot," He says seeing the guilt in Zayn's eyes. "It's been quite a lot for him these past few weeks and.... he's staying here with me. Zayn, he's not angry at you."

"He doesn't deserve this, fuck— I'm sorry Ni." Zayn needed to recollect himself because he was starting to lose it.

"It's okay, why don't you sit down. I'll make some tea." Niall motions for him to take a seat and quickly heads to the kitchen to start boiling water. He decides to check on Harry and to his surprise he was sat up. "You're up." He says with a small smile.

"I... Ornella called." Harry cards his fingers through his hair, which was tangled and greasy from not washing it. I need a shower. "Louis left on a holiday. On a fucking holiday. And now I have to take over the business until he comes back which according to her he didn't specify when that was. Is he hiding from me?"


"No, he's running away from me." Zayn interrupts Niall. "He thinks I'm in love with Liam and he wants a divorce. I'm obviously not signing anything until we talk but he said he's not coming back until I sign the papers." He leans on the wall.

"Are you in love with Liam?" Harry asks because he knows Louis, he wouldn't just up and leave if there wasn't a good reason for it.

"Liam... he— I love him but I'm not in love with him." He stammers. "I'm in love with Louis."

"I have to go." Harry pushes the blankets off his body but gets stopped by Niall.

"Haz, you haven't had a proper meal in days." He presses his hand on belly trying to stop the cramping. "I'm sure Ornella will understand if you take a few more days off."

"He's right, Harry. You don't look too well," Zayn pushes off the wall to walk over to Harry. "Maybe just sit—"

"Niall? What's wrong? Hey— Niall?!" Harry was quick to notice Niall's discomfort. He wraps his arms around him and tugs him close to him. "Talk to me."

"What's going on?" The darker haired lad asks looking at them in confusion.

"I'm— I'm fine." Niall groans against Harry's chest.

"You're in pain." He started feeling nauseous at the thought of something happening to Niall and their baby.

"Just cramps." He could feel Harry shaking against him and knew he had to do something to calm him down. "I... I can call the doctor." He offers quietly, he glances up at him and sees him nodding. Niall didn't want to worry him so he makes a quick call to doctor River who asked him to go so he could examine him since his appointment was only a few days away.

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