a bit sore

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"You wouldn't be so fucking tired if you and Zayn would've came home early like you were supposed to." Louis was annoyed at Harry for keeping Zayn out so late.

"We were talking." Harry says pinching the bridge of his nose, not only did he have the worst hangover he was also running on zero sleep. He couldn't stop thinking about Niall and Astrid all night.

"Here's your phone," He hands it to him. "Try not sleep, we are falling behind on the renovations and since the bloody painter is running late we have to work on patching up the rest of the cracks and such. He's an absolute arse for not calling me or you."

"Niall isn't here?" He scans the house hoping to see the small brunette, he doesn't.

"Nope." Louis sighs. "Astrid texted me this morning, you have some news to tell me?"

"Why is he not here?" Harry was starting to get a bad feeling and he didn't like it. Where's Niall?

"Tell me what the news is." He glares not giving a damn about the painter.

"Astrid is pregnant." He notices Louis looking confused but he ignores it, he was too worried about Niall to question him.

"Congrats." Louis hugs him tightly. "I'm really happy for you."

"Thank you." Harry steps back, trying his best to keep a smile on his face.

"Uh, I have to go and make sure people are doing what they're supposed to be doing," He clears his throat. "Zayn said to check your missed calls." He rushes away.

Harry makes his way upstairs with his phone in his hand, he makes sure to pick a room where no one was in for privacy. He unlocks his phone only to see a text from Astrid reminding him about dinner, she had planned for them, he sends a quick 'okay' before checking missed calls. He feels like his heart fell out of his arse when he sees seven missed calls from Niall. Something is wrong, he's never called me before. Oh fuck. He was quick to dial his number but it went straight to voicemail and that only made him worry even more. He tries three more times before he gives up and decides to call Zayn.

"Sup." Zayn answers with a smile.

"Niall," He breathes out.

"Mate, you dialed the wrong number—"

"He's never late, he never calls me." Harry hopes he was making sense because he couldn't stop thinking about all the possible things that could've happened to Niall.

"Have you tried calling him?" He asks, he was starting to get worried for the Irish lad.

"Yes, he won't answer. I think his phone is turned off." He stresses out. "Can you, can you please go to his flat?" He pleads, he remembers Zayn telling him last week he was going to be off work for a couple days this week and hoped today was one of the days.

"Of course."

"Thank you." Harry hangs up as soon as Zayn tells him he was going to let him know what he finds out. He stands there trying to figure out what the fuck he was going to do. It's too fucking complicated.


"Can I help you?"

Zayn sighs softly when he sees the Roger lad open Niall's door. "Is Niall here?" He tries to look into the flat but the man only blocks it.

"He is." Roger narrows his eyes. "Do you know him?"

"Yeah he's my mate. Can I come inside?" He steps forward.

"Sure." Roger lets him inside. "Before you go in there just want to give you a heads up, try not freak out. He's still shaken up."

"What do you mean?" Zayn furrows his brows.

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