don't you trust him?

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"Zayn is being a fucking arsehole." Louis rubs his temples out of frustration. "I can't stand him sometimes."

"He's probably really busy with his job, stop being so hard on him." Astrid squeezes his arm trying to calm her cousin down. "Just calm down, Lou."

"He's cheating." He says which only earned him a pinch on his arm. "Astrid, what the fuck?" He glares at her.

"He's not cheating, shut up." She rolls her eyes. "He loves you too much."

"He comes home late, he acts weird when he's with me." Louis points out. "If that doesn't hint something is up, then I don't know what does."

"He could be stressed." Harry points out, when he sees the glare he shoots him he shakes his head at his best mate. "You're being dramatic."

"Well I'm sorry that I don't have a perfect marriage like yours." He glares at them. "Fuckers."

"We're not perfect, Louis." Astrid laughs. "No marriage is perfect."

"Ours is perfect." Harry says teasingly making her giggle.

"Oh sod off! You wankers." Louis groans in anger. "Then what the fuck is he so stressed about?" He breathes out. He didn't understand why Zayn has  been so distant.

"Maybe his business?" Harry raises his eyebrows at him. "Don't you trust him?"

"I do, but I'm also not stupid. I know something's up. And I'll be finding out very soon." He narrows his eyes. " I'm going to go talk to Liam, maybe he knows something."

"If Zayn finds out you've been asking about his whereabouts you'll be in deep shit." Harry warns him. "And you know it."

"Yeah well, fuck him for being all mysterious and shit." Louis stands to leave.

"You liked him because of that, Lou." Astrid laughs. "Go home and sleep, that's what you need to do."

"Fuck you." Louis flips them off before leaving.

"He's going to piss Zayn off." Harry sighs feeling slightly stressed.

"It's his problem." She straddles his lap and cups his face. "I reckon we have a bath together." She smirks slowly grinding down on him.

"Hmm I don't know about that," He smiles widely before picking her up and running to their bedroom.

"You're going to trip and we're going to get hurt!" Astrid yells, holding tightly onto him. She lets out a laugh when Harry nearly tripped and cussed out, she gets thrown onto the bed and soon Harry was on top of her kissing her feverishly.

"Are you sure you want a bath?" Harry smirks when she wraps her legs around his waist and lets out a moan.

"Shut up and make love to me, Haz." She whimpers.

"No need to ask me twice, love." He starts to slowly undress her leaving wet kisses all over her soft skin.

"I love you so much." Astrid moans in his ear.

Harry sucked on her collarbone, his hand roaming her body and settling on her thigh. He starts to kiss her hard on the lips loving how her full lips felt against his. He presses himself on her, groaning when she bucks her hips, chuckling against her lips when he feels her hand wrap around him guiding him to her. "You're so impatient."

"F-fuck me already." She pants out.


Niall wakes up sore, his body ached and his head was pounding. He looks down at his naked body and sighs, he hated himself for being so weak. For not being able to push Conan away and tell him to fuck off. Maybe it was because Conan was the only person who hasn't left him yet. Maybe in some weird fucked up way he found comfort in him. Or maybe he was just fucked up in the head.

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