bring back my son!

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"You've got a stain on your shirt mate." Louis points at Harry's button up.

"Fucking hell," Harry takes a few tissues and tries to remove the spit up stain but it doesn't work. "I'm a mess."

"It's only your first day back and you already look like you're ready to take a week off." He chuckles at him and motions for him to sit down. "You'll get to see your boys at the end of the day, calm down."

"I miss them already—"

"We've got a client, she wants us to remodel her house completely. She's got lots of money so this is a big project, I need you to focus. We can't fuck this up." Louis slowly sips on his coffee. "Ornella has gathered the team and—"

"Have you met the client?" Harry asks confused, all of this was moving too fast.

"Yes, she needs us to finish in a month so we're in a time crunch." He notices the stress in his mate's face. "Haz, if you're not ready to be back I understand. Go back to Niall and Darius."

"No, no that's okay. I need to be here, I'll see them in a couple of hours." He says not wanting to leave Louis on his own with this huge project.

"You sure?" Louis raises his brow when he nods. "That little lad is two months old now eh?"

"Yeah, nearly three! He's grown so fast." Harry picks up his phone to look through the photos he's taken of Darius.

"I can't wait until he starts talking, oh am I going to have fun with that." He smirks already thinking of words he can teach him that will absolutely annoy Harry.

"Fuck off, you're not going to be near him until he's old enough to understand how annoying and immature you are." He locks his phone to shoot him a glare.

"Niall's too nice to keep me away, he'll have me over every night and you'll just have to suck it up." Louis sticks his tongue out at him.

"I doubt that, he'll get annoyed at you soon enough." Harry glances at the time on his computer screen and sighs. Five hours to go.

"Harry, will you stop checking the time? The day will drag on forever if you keep doing that every five minutes." He takes his phone out and quickly sends Zayn a text message. "We should head out to the property we'll be working on. I'll drive."

"Sure." He stands up taking his cellphone with him and following Louis out of the building and into his car.

"Zayn is bringing us lunch later by the way," Louis starts up the car and starts driving towards the house.

"I'm glad you and Zayn have worked things out." Harry tells his friend with a sincere smile.

"We've still got lots to work on but yeah, we're good. We're actually going to marriage counseling, it's been helping us a lot." He glances over to him and smiles. "Also, the sex is so fucking—"

"Alright," Harry cuts him off. "I really don't need to hear about your sex life."

"Don't act like you don't want the details." Louis teases him.

"I really don't." He flicks his ear and laughs loudly at his yelp.

"I'm driving you git!" He yells gripping the steering wheel. "We could've crashed, prick."

"Always so dramatic." Harry rolls his eyes.

"Have you and Niall shagged recently?" Louis asks as he stops at a red light.

"Um... no." He feels his face heating up, he turns away to hide his blush. "Not that it's any of your business—"

"But it is! Haz, mate, you and Niall need that intimacy. When was the last time you two did anything besides kiss?" He quirks an eyebrow when Harry doesn't answer him. "Harry?"

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