the parent life, eh?

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"We've got everything right? Formula, bottle, spare binky, nappies, wipes, clean clothes—"

"Yes, Haz. Everything is in the changing bag." Niall buttons up the last few buttons on Darius' onesie before picking him up and walking over to where Harry stood with the car seat. "I've checked three times." He carefully places his baby into the car seat making sure he's buckled correctly.

"It's our first outing with him and I want it to go smoothly." Harry makes sure he has the house keys and his phone, he lets Niall walk out first locking up and following him to the car.

"It'll be okay." Niall locks eyes with Harry through the rear view mirror, he gives him a reassuring smile before turning to look at Darius. "You'll be a good little baby, right pet?" He taps his pink pouty lips.

"He is a very well behaved three week old." He starts driving towards the doctor's office, Niall had an appointment and he had offered to go with him because he didn't want him going by himself. "Such a happy baby."

Niall laughs because yeah Darius is a good baby but he was still so little, there'll be easier days as well as difficult ones. Although so far they've been really lucky, it's been great. "He really is."

After arriving Harry takes out the buggy and makes sure the car seat is secured before pushing it towards the building, he turns to smile at Niall giving him his best 'it'll be okay' look. "It's a lovely day today." He closes his eyes to enjoy the spring breeze.

"I missed warm days." Niall takes a deep breath of fresh air, days like these made him miss Ireland. He wished he could go back and visit all of the places he loved going and would bring a bit of happiness into his life.

"Maybe we can go for a walk after," He is in need of fresh air after being all cooped up in the house. "If you're okay with walking."

"Yeah, it's getting easier now." He smiles opening the door for Harry and walking right up to the lady behind the desk.

Everything seemed to be going alright until someone had sneeze rather loudly scaring poor Darius. Harry quickly tries to give him the binky but that only helped for a minute. Now, Niall has him in his arms rocking him back and forth trying to soothe his baby.

"Maybe he's hungry, yeah, um what time is it? Where's my bloody phone? Did I not bring it?" Harry looks through the changing bag with a frown.

"It's in your hand, Harry." Niall says with a raised brow.

"Oh," He chews on the inside of his cheek out of embarrassment. "He's still got two hours."

"He doesn't need a nappy change." He feels his face heating up when he hears someone scoff under their breath. "Hey little one, everything will be alright." He pats his bum like he always does when he's putting him to sleep which thankfully calmed him down.

"Niall?" A nurse calls out.

Niall kisses his baby and stands up turning to face Harry. "Will you be alright? He seems calm now."

"Yeah, we'll be okay. You go ahead." Harry cradles his baby close to him, he watches Niall follow the nurse through the door and he's soon filled with anxiety. He sits down and rubs soothing circles on Darius' back, he's barely getting comfortable in the seat when there's a loud sound making Darius cry once again. He glares at the person who dropped a clipboard on the floor. He stands up and lightly bounces him, he felt sweat trickle down his face as he did everything he could to soothe his son.

He gives him his binky because there wasn't much he could do at this point, all he needed was comfort and he just hoped this would help. "You want daddy don't you?" He whispers kissing his chubby cheek. "I do too, darling, I do too."

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