he needs you

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Niall shivered when the cold autumn air hits his face as he walked to work. He wrapped his arms around himself trying to warm himself up, glancing up at the gray sky. He had declined Zayn's offer to drive him to the shop because he had woken up late and didn't want him to be tardy as well.

"Hey! You dropped this!"

He hears someone yell but he keeps walking until he feels a tap on his shoulder. He looks over his shoulder and sees a woman with a bright smile on her face.

"Is this yours?" She raises her hand to show him a gold necklace.

"Oh no, that's not mine." Niall starts walking faster.

"Are you sure?" The woman follows Niall.

"Yeah I'm sure." He gives her a small smile, he didn't want to seem rude but he was freezing and he was late for work.



"Louis, hi." Niall noticed the woman turn around and walk away quickly.

"Who was that?" Louis narrows his eyes at the retreating figure.

"She thought I dropped a necklace she found on the ground." He quickly explains. "You run?" He notices the sweat soaked t-shirt. "I mean uh... sorry." He mumbles in embarrassment.

"It's alright lad," He chuckles. "I don't usually run but I need to let some steam out." He sees Niall shiver. "Can I walk with you to wherever you're going?"

"Sure," Niall nods pulling his sleeves over his knuckles to warm up his hands. "Aren't you cold?"

"I've been running for the past hour, I'm hot." Louis laughs. "You alright?"

"I'm fine, yeah." He drops his gaze to the ground. "Have you— have you heard anything from Harry?" It's been five days since Zayn had told him Harry wasn't answering any of his call or text messages, he's been worried ever since.

"I have not, I don't think he wants to talk to me." He sighs. "I don't blame him."

Niall stops in front of the music shop. "He hasn't answered any of Zayn's calls." He turns to face him. "Or mine." He adds quietly.

Louis frowns at that. "He's probably at Anne's, which then means that he needs one of us to go over there." He widens his eyes. "You need to go."

"What? No. Wait... who's Anne?" He tilts his head.

"God, you are adorable." He bops his nose. "Anne is Harry's mum, lovely lady. When Harry is having issues in his life he always goes to her, I'm sure he's there now."

"Maybe you should go or Zayn.. or both of you?" Niall says softly. "To make sure he's okay."

"Niall, do you even know what happened?" Louis asks out of curiosity.

"No, not really." He blushes.

"Astrid found out." He looks away from Niall's shocked expression, he looks into the shop and sees Liam and Zayn talking. "She knows Harry cheated."

"I... I'm really sorry—"

"I know you are. I've been in your shoes before, I know the guilt that you're feeling. Makes me even more annoyed I reacted so badly when I found out because I too was the other one. Zayn was happy with Liam and I... I ruined that." He falters his gaze down to his trainers.

"Zayn loves you." Niall was quick to say.

"I know he does, but, I know he's really in love with Liam. Always has been." Louis chuckles humorlessly. "I think you should go see Harry, he needs you."

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