you're having a baby

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Niall kept his head down as he sat in Zayn's car, he kept his word and was driving him to his job. He appreciates his kindness and feels like he can trust him enough, enough to tell him his past but he won't. Not yet anyway.

"What's wrong?" Zayn asks not being able to handle the silence.

"A bit nervous if I'm being honest." He glances over to him only to drop his gaze once again.

"Don't be, everything will be okay." He says even if he was a bit anxious as well. He parks the car and smiles when he finally looks at him. "Have a great day, mate." He steps out of the car as well to take a quick smoke break, he watches Niall slowly walk into the house.

"Oh my god! What happened to your face!?" Ornella shrieks when she sees Niall's bruised up face.

Harry looks over his shoulder, his breath hitches when he sees the state that Niall was in. He had bruises on his face and neck. "Niall?" He turns around to face him.

"I.. uh.. hi." Niall gives them a shy smile.

"You look like shit. What the hell? Is this why you didn't show up for a week?" She scrunches her nose leaning close to eye him better.

"Ornella, go help Maison with the garden." Harry gives her a glare when she tries to protest, she leaves with a loud groan. "Who hurt you?" He asks as soon as they were alone.

"Some guys, I didn't know them." Niall answers even though he didn't want to talk about that right now. He had something else to worry about.

"Are you okay to work?" He reaches over cupping his cheek. "Where else did they hurt you?"

"Harry, I'm okay." He looks behind him because he couldn't look him in the eye. "I'm fine." Liar.

Harry brushes his thumb over the cut on his lip quickly drawing his hand back when Niall hisses in pain. "Sorry."

"Harry, I have to—"

"Why didn't you call?" Louis comes barging in with a scowl on his face. "Why didn't you tell us you weren't going to work?"

"He called me." Harry goes to his defense.

"Yeah after the day was practically over," He looks over his face. "I would've understood. But you never called me, and because of you we fell behind."

"Louis." He raises his voice to let his mate know he was crossing the line.

"I'm.. I'm sorry." Usually it wouldn't bother him getting told off, Niall was used to being blamed for things that weren't his fault but being told off in front of Harry made him want to cry. He felt humiliated.

"And I am too, you're fired." Louis turns on his heel to leave but Harry stops him.

"You can't be serious?" Harry gripped his arm glaring at him when he notices how serious he was.

"Nothing personal, it's just not working out." He shrugs. "You can stay for the day or leave now, I don't care."

"I-I'll leave now." Niall nods pushing away the need to cry.

"Okay." Louis nods. "Harry, I'll be working in the bathroom if you need me— oh! I almost forgot, Astrid called me to let you know her ultrasound appointment got pushed back for another month. You won't be seeing your baby in two weeks like you thought you were."

"What? I talked to her this morning and she told me she had it on the twenty third. Why was it pushed back?" Harry didn't understand why she wouldn't tell him that, why did he have to find out through Louis?

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