put your love on me

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Harry held his poorly three year old in his arms, trying to soothe him but nothing seemed to be working. He's tried everything, yet, Darius was still very upset. "I know you don't feel well, love." He rubs his back soothingly.

"Want daddy!" Darius cries loudly into Harry's shoulder.

He sighs at that, he's been saying that for the past twenty minutes and Harry has been explaining to him, daddy was at work but the three year old didn't seem to care. He wanted Niall. Period. "He'll be here soon." Harry paces around the sitting room, hoping Darius will get tired of crying and fall asleep. "Do you want to watch some telly, darling?"

"No! Want daddy!" He shakes his head vigorously, snot running down his nose. He stops immediately when he hears the doorbell go off.

"Do you hear that? Someone's at the door, should we go check out who it is?" Harry quickly wipes the snot and tears off his face with a wet wipe before going over to the door to open it. "Lou, hi."

"Alright?" Louis raises his brows when he sees the state they were both in. Darius with reddened cheeks and dirty onesie, Harry with messy hair and nothing but briefs on. "Mate, it's four and you haven't even dressed yourself?" He walks behind Harry shutting the door and following him into the sitting room.

"I- yeah, guess not. Darius is poorly and has been wanting me to hold him all day long, he doesn't sleep well at night so Niall and I have to take turns to be with him. It's been hectic." Harry looks around the room and blushes when he sees the mess.

"I'll take him, go get dressed." He takes Darius into his arms and motions for Harry to get a move on when he stays there staring at Darius. "He'll be fine."

"Okay." He nods before slowly walking away, as he makes it upstairs he hears the loud cries of Darius. It breaks his heart hearing and seeing him so upset. He makes the bed and picks up around the bedroom swiftly freshening up in the bathroom and putting on some joggers and a hoodie. He rushes down the stairs with Darius' binky and his favorite blanket. "I'm here, I'm here love." He takes his crying son and cradles him in his arms, something he rarely gets to do nowadays since Darius thinks he's such a big boy. He pops the binky in his mouth and gives him the blanket. The binky is only used when really necessary.

"Poor lad, he's really not feeling well eh?" Louis watches his friend.

"No, not at all." He glances down at Darius, glad he seemed to be calming down with the binky. "Where's Zayn and Brendan by the way?"

"At home, Brendan is napping so Zayn stayed back with him. Just wanted to stop by and see how you're all doing, it's been a while." He gives him a smile. "And I'm glad I did, you really needed those five minutes to yourself."

"He's been.... difficult." Harry presses a kiss to Darius forehead. "How's Brendan? Zayn?"

"Good, good yeah, fucking terrible twos are kicking our arse. He's quite the troublemaker." Louis plops down on the sofa. "The tantrums are next level, I needed to get out of there. Love him to death but, fuck, gives me a headache."

"Yeah it can get hard sometimes." He feels himself relax when he sees Darius falling asleep.

"Hell yeah, no more kids for Zee and I." He rolls his eyes. "How's Niall? Is he handling Darius being poorly well?"

"Better than I am, he's great at soothing him. He knows exactly what to do, I just try my best to keep him content." Harry says softly. "Even at eight months pregnant he gets up in the middle of the night to check up on him, I tell him I'd do it but he tells me he wants to."

"You're both great parents, Darius adores the both of you. Might favor Niall a bit more but that's because he carried him in his belly for nine months." He chuckles at Harry's huff, he quickly stands up. "I should get going, take care. I hope this lad gets better."

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