Chapter 7

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A loud knock at the door. I contemplated for a while whether to open it or not, but I went regardless. Since whoever was at the door wasn't going away. They rapped on the door louder and harder. It was Damon. My face turned dark as I let the door swing open. Our expressions differed. While I burned with fury, he was downcast and sorrowful.

"What do you want Damon?"

"I came to apologise.... I would like a chance to explain myself." He really was hurt and eager to explain. His eyes frowned despite his lips giving half a smile. I thought for a second and thought to myself: what would Enzo do? Knowing full well what he'd want and do, I let out a sigh.

"Fine. One chance and that's it." I huffed, allowing him in. He side stepped into the house, avoiding any contact. "I'm not going to kill you." I rolled my eyes before slamming the door. He examined the house, lips pressing together impressed. Rolling my eyes hard, I followed him into the living room.

"You know, this house belonged to the blonde original. They're back in town, she may be wanting her house back."

"I don't care Damon. Stop with the idle talk and get on with it." I sat on the Shetland mustard wingback chair, made out of tweed fabric. It coordinated well with the rest of the living room interior. The soft whites, creams, greys and soft wooden wall shelves, and furniture. Mimicking my London home, Enzo helped me design. I pulled my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around them. He's my brother and the least I could do was hear him out, regardless of how betrayed I felt by him. Maybe his explanation could change everything. Or maybe not.

"I knew it was Stefan when you told me your family's name. I saw it written on his wall of victims. I shouldn't have done that, but I was protecting you both. I didn't want you to hate him. I knew it was Klaus that turned you. They were both together during that time. Stefan was on another ripper bender...he's a ripper... I-" He paused, deep in thought. "I hid his dark side from you. I lied bitsy, and for that I'm sorry. I lied to you about our father...he was a horrible man but Stefan killed him when we first turned...he killed us-"

"You what Damon?" I lowered my knees, pushing my chest forward. "He-"

"Let me finish! I was trying to do right by you Both. Even though our father was an evil man, I couldn't bring myself to tell you, it was Stefan that killed him. I didn't want you to think any less of Stefan. I'm sorry I lied."

I sprung to my feet, rocking on my heels, livid at this huge confession that he dropped on me. "You lied to me! How could you?"

He stared down hard at the floor avoiding my murderous glare." I didn't want to bring any of it up, so I never told you. I thought what harm it could do if you didn't know."

I collapsed back into the chair. I couldn't comprehend what I was feeling. I had no idea what I even wanted to do. I was so angry at him over Stefan, that now it all dissipated. Instead i was disappointed in him. "You should have been honest about Giuseppe at least. Stefan...I can understand but you had no right, no business keeping the part about our father a secret! Yes, he was a cruel and abusive man, but I had the right to know. He killed you guys and he's partly the reason you're vampires today! You know I don't like being lied to!"

"You're right! I shouldn't have and I am so so sorry. I just wanted to protect you. You're better than us...better than Stefan and in our hundred years of existence we've done countless of horrible things. Yet you, you've still remained pure. Somehow you avoided losing control. That's all we've ever done." Pouring himself a glass of bourbon, he looked up at me, with an earnest expression and warm smile. I didn't believe I was pure and free of evil. I killed and spilled blood. There were skeletons in my closet. But my brother seemed to think I was better than them.

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