Chapter 17

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August 25th, 1925

Belfast, Northern Ireland

The blustery wind raged on, parading around with a mass of dust blinding those it touched. The manic crowd dispersed, cowering. The sky above rumbled, full of tumultuous, ragged clouds growing ominous and darker as the sky churned. Trees writhed around, alarms blared, and the sirens sang their song. The howling wind was terrifying. Little children fled indoors, bawling as their tiny hearts pumping fear threatened to explode. My heart grew unsettled at the sudden turn of the weather. Beneath my feet the fallen leaves swirled and skittered around, circling me as I walked. Like leeches they clung to the hem of my cloak, trailing behind. I pulled the heavy hood over me, fastening the button, concealing my face.

"Jameela?" I called out.

She burst down the spiralling stairs of the castle, panting. "They're here! I can feel it." Frantically glancing around, clutching her stomach.

Turning my head to the right I listened intently. Indeed, there was a dark presence looming over the pair of us. "Show yourself." I called out, voice stone cold. A varied assemblage of witches formed.

Raising both hands to the side of my head, I gingerly pushed back the hood, letting it slither down to reveal my face. I challenged for them to step forward. They made a dreadful error in betraying the coven and striking up a revolution. Never had I believed in bloodshed, but they made the first attack. They chanted in unison, filling up the courtyard. I emitted a scoff when an attack hurled my way, not harming at all. Raising my hands in the air, with the flick of my wrists they snapped and crashed down to the floor. War cries echoed throughout. They charged and I tore through them, ripping and shredding with my hands. Blood splatter painting the sides of the castle walls. Regaining her balance, the witch charged at me, her skin was an ochre colour, much like the mellow-brown light that bathed the forest. With a smirk I awaited her. She reached me and I grabbed the back of her neck, pulling her down and sinking my fangs into her. The fear, I could taste it in her blood, and it fuelled me.

A sudden blow knocked me down. I bounced back, mocking her with my laugh. The final witch stood petrified. Withering around, desperate to run free from my mystical hold. She pleaded for mercy. "There will be no mercy today." Ramming my hand through her chest, my fingers wrapped around the beating organ. One swift yank and her heart was in my hand. Thud. The body dropped to the floor. All I felt was that rush, the way the blood inside me soared. The beats of my own heart were dancing. I stared down at my bloodied hands, feeling the darkness swarm within me. A voice. My ears pricked up to the voice of Jameela calling out and whimpering. She was nowhere to be seen. The reverberations guided me. Launching forward, I sliced through the air.

She was bent on her knees, head pulled back by an unseen force. Thick gooey blood covered her sliced throat, eyes rolling back skyward. The dagger along with her sister appeared. I hissed at Lamees who wore the foulest of smiles.

"Why?!" I clamoured. "She is your sister! Why this betrayal?"

Her laughter mocked me. "Jameela and I no longer share the same interest. You see, what I want, my sister couldn't understand. She no longer stands in my way. I will get what I want, whether you assist me or not." She jabbed the air with the dagger.

Present day

"I let her go that day. I didn't kill her. I killed...innocent witches on her saying. She said they were the witches that stood against us, and I believed her. Even if they hated me, I massacred them all on her saying. She killed her own sister... Had I killed her that day, then all this could have been avoided." Relaxing back into Kol's embrace, the guilt washed away.

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