Chapter 52

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It was the fifth grimoire of my mother's i held in my hand and halfway through it, I wanted to toss it into the fire. There were several resurrection spells but nothing on how to reverse a death curse or even to grant my best friend eternal life. Lifting my head, I glanced at my sister who had no luck either. Her head was lowered, she gaped at the book in front, and I could see the big, beaded tears. She didn't need to look up for me to see how red her eyes were. "We can't give up!" She spoke in a hoarse whisper.

My own voice was raw and cracked. "I know...every time I think we've made a breakthrough-we're back to square one!" Glancing down at my hands shaking in a palsy of rage, I balled them into fists to kill it off. Freya glanced up and I winced. Worry lines framed her mouth and tugged at her eyes. The door opened and she slammed the grimoire shut, springing to her feet.

Elijah entered; vision narrowed to a pinprick. "Sisters, please explain to me the meaning of this," he gestured to the scattered books and papers surrounding us. "All day I've been noticing—in fact, for some time now I've apprehended there is something not right with the pair of you and our darling Sophia." He studied us with a predator's unwavering attention.

I locked my arms and sensed the muscles in Freya's neck tighten. "Nothing." My voice thick with conviction.

Freya swallowed down and scarcely interchanged glances with me. Turning to Elijah, her eyes peered slightly to the wall, avoiding looking directly at him. "We're just going through some spells to find a way to reverse the effects of the cure."

Stepping in, he closed the door behind him and shook his head. "I want the truth. No more lies."

"Elijah! There is nothing to worry about." I insisted, trying to direct his attention away from the mess behind me. "Bloody hell Elijah, you really are beginning to act like Nik! Has paranoia become your default setting?"

"I can see what you're striving to do here, Rebekah and I assure you, it is not working." His thin voice took on a pedantic tone. "Before I bring our brothers and the Salvatores, I suggest you quit the games and spit it out. Please, go ahead I'm waiting." My eyes were quick to dart to Freya, expressing with my eyes we couldn't break our promise, but she screwed her eyes shut. "Now please!" Anger crept into his voice.

"Sophia is dying! She was cursed because of what Nik and Damon did and now there's no way to stop it and we've been trying to find a way! The real reason she wiped our memories is because she's dying, and she doesn't have long left!" I caved in breathy explosions of words and immediately bit my tongue. Elijah knew with applying just the right amount of pressure upon us, we would crumble. Apologetic, I looked to my sister. She hadn't realised she was holding her breath. Meeting my state, she slumped down.

His eyes went round, and I couldn't read what his was feeling. All at once he felt everything from betrayal, fear, worry and pain. Scanning from his face down to his clenched fists that slowly began to unclench themselves, I ran to him and hugged him tight. "We're so sorry. She asked us not to tell anyone."

"Elijah, I'm so sorry I should have said something, but I thought I could find a way and it wouldn't be necessary to tell anyone! There's hardly anything and I- we can't..." she held up her palms. "I'm terrified."

"When did you find out? How long has this been going on for?" His lips pulled taught, and eyes throbbed with suffering.

"The day after they returned from their honeymoon and Rebekah found out right after we got her back..." she gestured for me to continue.

I Swallowed down the massive lump in my throat. Seeing Elijah, seeing him register what we disclosed and the hurt, it was brutal. "Kol and her were arguing and she accidentally told him she was dying. That's when I found out—I heard the conversation and how she erased his memory a second time."

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