Chapter 37

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"We've managed to repair the floorboards and cleared up the mess...yeah we started yesterday."

"How bad was it?" She breathed down the phone.

I glanced around the cleared and empty space. "It was terrible. They spared nothing."

"Was it werewolves? I can come over and see if they've left any traces and maybe we can track them down?" She proposed.

"No BonBon, it's fine, we'll handle it. Just stay home I'll be with you shortly." I smiled knowing she couldn't see the smile.

She let out an exasperated sigh. "Okay...they're on their way to help. I love you."

"Sure. I love you. Bye." Hanging up the call I turned my body back to Stefan. His lips were drawn in tightly. He didn't have many memories but the little he did create with her meant the world to him. Spending the whole night rebuilding the floorboards and cleaning every inch of the house was not an easy task. Several times we stopped midway. It was just a house but the meaning behind it was deeper. It would never be the same, the cracks would remain visible to us.

"Marcel and Elijah should be here soon." I finally managed.

"The sooner they come the quicker we can finish."

I nodded in agreement. A good fifteen minutes later they arrived unloading a few more tools and wooden planks. Caroline joined. She walked through the house carrying tubs of paints and varnish. There was little to no speaking. The only occasion we spoke was to delegate tasks and confirm what was to be done next and what had been done. Hours flashed by yet it seemed like we were nowhere close to finished. There were items left to replace, surfaces to wipe clean and a countless other mundane task. The foul stench of wolf was left to eradicate. Caroline did a quick sweep of the house. The werewolves left no DNA traces. Tracking them was now impossible. The phone buzzed in my pocket. Placing the brush down I picked out the phone and answered.

"Damon! Why didn't you tell me our house was broken into?" She yammered.

"Well, hello little sister, nice to speak to you too."

"Seriously Damon! Why didn't you?"

I sighed. "I didn't want you to worry and besides it was nothing."

"Why do I find that hard to believe? Anyways, no matter what you do, keep the daggers safe. We're going to return soon so I'll know what to do with them but if there are any more wolf sightings then let me know!"

I laughed. "Yes, I will, bossy pants."

"I love you big brother-send Stefan my love."

"He knows." I relayed softly. We exchanged our goodbyes, and I disconnected the call. A great heaviness weighed me down. Leaving the phone on the windowsill I continued with my assigned task. While I remained silent those around me engaged in conversations. Guilt gnawed at me when Stefan expressed how he missed out on years of her life and how he wished more than anything he could get that time back. In ways he envied me for I had the privilege of standing by her side. I wronged them both along the way. Trying to protect them both was more difficult than I bargained. I was the older brother, and it was my responsibility to do right by them.


She raced up the stairs laughing at the top of her lungs. Reaching the top, she looked back down and teased him. "Sucks to be you Theo."

"Oh shut it, Laura! You're a vampire obviously you'd win!" He heaved as he reached the top step. Rolling his eyes, he pushed her to the side and lumbered into his room.

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