Chapter 43

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I lay in bed, the only one awake. I shifted to my right where Rebekah rested facing me. She was my best friend. Part of me wished I possessed the same strength she had; They all had. I looked straight ahead at the ticking clock. It was eight thirty in the morning. I raised the hand that adorned the Pearl bracelet, admiring it. Since the day Stefan gifted it to me, I never took it off. It stayed on me at all times. Saying goodbye would be the hardest and I didn't know how or where to start. Would I be able to? I questioned myself. He was already a right mess after almost killing me.

A ping came from my right jogging pocket. Worming my hand down my pocket I pried out the phone. A text from an unknown number. Curious I unlocked the phone and swiped on the message. My heart sunk and I thought it would be swallowed whole. Careful not to jolt Bonnie or Rebekah, I wriggled down the bed and slid down. I felt horrible for leaving them without informing them, but I had to go. Tiptoeing out the room with caution, I approached my room. The door was left open, meaning Kol was awake and in his typical manner he forgot to close the door behind him. Ensuring the room was clear, I rushed in and changed into a dress.

Once changed I sprinted down the stairs and straight out the front door, not stopping to look back. I knew my family would be livid, but I felt I had no other option. I whipped out my phone and rechecked the messages. He was already waiting for me at the cafe. Walking the last minute, I reached the entrance and pushed open the heavy door. It was fairly busy; People rushed in and out for their daily dose of coffee and hot beverages and the occasional customer coming in for a frostino. Scanning the room, I located him at the far end corner table. Wading through the customers, I reached him.

"Hi Noah." I greeted, pulling out my chair.

"Hi." He waved. He wasn't his usual bright self.

"Is everything okay?" I finally asked after a few prolonged minutes of silence. At first, he fumbled around with his words then he regained himself.

"I think you knew my mum as Dhanika."

Alarmed, my phone slipped from my grip and onto the table. "What?"

Shoving his hand into the pocket of his hoody, he pulled out a folded photograph and slid it to me. For a while I stared down at it, not daring to open it. The familiar scent of lavender hit my senses. Blowing out through pursed lips, I slowly unfolded it and as soon as my eyes laid on her, I welled with tears. I forgot how beautiful she was and how bright her smile was. A thousand memories came rushing back and my heart twisted into a knot. "It couldn't possibly be. Dhanika died, at least that's what Jameela told me."

He shook his head. "I don't know what my so-called gran did but she's alive and she thinks you abandoned her. Last night we got into an argument, I was trying to make her see she was being lied to, but she wouldn't have it and then I stormed out. When I came back, I didn't see her and now I'm worried. She's missing and I think you're the only one that can find her."

I brushed the photo with my thumb and said nothing. Dhanika was alive all this time and I didn't bother to find out? All this time she lived with the illusion I left her when I would never. The tears slipped down. "I never abandoned her. I would never. That day we were supposed to go to the theatre, Jameela and I were attacked by a few witches, and we fled. Next thing I heard, Dhanika lost her life because of me. I loved her as though she was my own. I couldn't possibly know this was to happen—Do you know where she is?...I have to see her... I have to explain!"

Noah frowned and expressed himself in an ambivalent manner. "I don't know if she's in danger or if she's off to find Jameela. Till this day, I've not seen my grandmother-I mean the face she's wearing now."

"Where could she possibly go? Do you have any idea?"

He thought for a few seconds and leaned forward in his seat. "She usually goes to wherever the lair is, but I don't know where that is, I don't think I was ever trusted to know about it. She could be there right now."

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