Chapter 27

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Prison world

She was at it again, with the crossword. I rolled my eyes telling her she was mediocre, and she should already give up. She snorted, rolling her eyes at me before retuning back to the puzzle. I watched her closely. It was in that moment, I knew I was truly in love with her and terrified that she would never love me, not after everything I had done since I first arrived at Mystic Falls. Yes, she was my best friend, but she could never love me. She wasn't Elena who would look past the terrible things I've done and continue to fall for me. She was better. She was firm and she stuck to her beliefs. She wasn't sired to me.

"What?" She asked, giggling as she looked back up. I had fallen silent. She set the pencil and newspaper down. "Damon?"

I shook my head, shrugging off my thoughts and flashed her a smile. "Nothing, just watching you make a fool of yourself once again. I've lost count of how many times you attempted these puzzles and wasted hours!"

"Ha ha funny!" She threw the paper at me-catching it with one hand, waving it around. "Tell me more about Sophia." She continued, tucking her chair in closer and resting her chin on her hand. My lips quirked up and a million memories pranced around me.

"You know...I know she's probably working on a way to get us out of here. I've not messaged her once and she must have caught on something is wrong."

"I really wish to meet her."

"And you will once we get out of here! I'll take you to London and introduce you. She'll like you."

"All this time and you kept her a secret. I still can't believe it! Will you ever tell Stefan?"

I exhaled, slumping back into my chair. "You know I can't. Neither of them will be able to handle the pain if she ever finds out, it was Stefan who killed her family, everything would be ruined! I can't do that to them...she loves flowers you know specially forget me nots. She spends her time teaching children and taking care of them. I think she's broken that she can't have her own, so she surrounds herself with children and it makes her feel accomplished. She hates fast food; she can't stand it. She says it makes her-"

"Sick." The disembodied voice shared. My eyes grew wide, recognising the silvery voice. My lips curled into a beaming smile as I turned to the direction of the voice. I could feel the tears in my eyes.

"Sophia!" I murmured. "How are you-"

"How am I here? I spent months locating you! I knew something was wrong and Enzo helped. I went to Mystic Falls, couldn't enter due to some border thing! Sucked up the magic from it and now I'm here brother. Did you think I'll not come looking for you?" She glided towards us, spectating the house. "So, this is where I should be living?" She chuckled. I leaped from my seat wanting to pull her into a hug, but I couldn't. She slipped right through me. Frowning, I dragged my feet back.

"I'm sorry I wish I could hug you too big brother but unfortunately we can't. Now, where is this ascendant? We have an hour until the eclipse, and I would really like to get you both out of here-I assume you are Bonnie?"

Bonnie stared in amazement; jaws dropped. "'s nice to meet you."

"I'm terribly afraid we'll have to cut the pleasantries short, as we don't have much time before I'm pulled back. Enzo promised he won't let me spend a second longer. Ascendant?" She held out her hand. Bonnie scurried back to where we hid the mystical key. Returning, she placed it in Sophia's palm. She inspected it, weighing it, and fiddling around. "Let's get out of here. I heard this is the prison of Kai Parker and we don't want him escaping!" We hastened out the house and ran free through the forest. I looked up at the darkening sky. The eclipse was already beginning. We pushed on through harder and faster making it to the entrance of the cave. Grabbing Bonnie's hand, I jumped in, landing briskly on my feet. She clung onto me tight with her eyes squeezed shut. A few seconds later, they reopened when she felt the flat ground beneath her. Sophia took Bonnie's hand and gently sliced it open. I watched the drops of blood splash onto the ascendant. Holding hands, they both chanted. A blinding, white light ascended down and consumed us.

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