Chapter 18

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I fell on all fours coughing and spitting. The pain obliterating. I heard her scream. My sister. The desiccation vanished as slow as it began, the agony fading to a dull throb. I clutched at my chest, feeling around in a frenzy. Damon had heard my cries and rushed to my side, placing his hand on my back as I staggered up to my feet. His brows knit together.

"Something's wrong, Damon."

He grimaced. "What?"

Agitated, in a berserk manner, I glanced around. "Sophia... something is wrong. The pain just shot through me, it was as if my heart was being slowly torn out and then I heard her scream and it's gone. The pain! Damon, something is wrong! Where is she?"

Cocking his head to one side he narrowed his eyes. Our fear had come alight. We knew something would happen but yet we ignored it. His eyes flashed with red hot fury. "She was last with Kol in here. So, if she's not here, where the hell is she?" After exchanging looks we thundered out the room, searching the house, calling out her name. Rebekah strut out the kitchen, her face creasing with puzzle. Elijah followed in suit.

"What is it?" She questioned realising the gravity of the situation.

"Where's Sophia?"

She looked back at Elijah. "She was here a couple of hours ago."

"Can someone tell me where our sister is?!" Damon barked. His phone buzzed in his jacket pocket. Fishing his hand in, he pulled it out and sighed. "Big bad wolf, what do you want?" We listened in to the conversation.

"We have an issue. Sophia is missing, she's not answering her call and well I'm sure that is not a coincidence. Kol and I are searching, I suggest one of you get Freya on the phone and locate her."

He hung up the phone, looking back at us with a rigid expression.

"I'll get my sister on the phone." Rebekah conferred.

"Rebekah, we may not need Freya." Elijah tuned his focus on us. "Do you think she is at Nunhead? perhaps the witches have done something?" He posed.

"We should check it out and I'll text Nik and Kol."

We nodded in agreement. My heart sunk, worry and an undeniable fear bedevilled me. It wasn't unnatural of her to run off like that, without telling us, but hearing her cry out was enough to know she was in trouble, and she needed us.

We searched the cemetery, but she wasn't there. Neither were the witches. I broke through the chapel door, but she was not in there either. Cautious, we walked down the candle lit chapel. "Something's not right."

"We need to get out of here and call Freya!" Rebekah urged, warily searching around.

"Hello." Came the dull voice. We turned to the side, looking back at the entrance. It was the witch from last night. "I'm afraid I can't let you leave."

Damon leapt for the opening, only to be cast back. She sealed us in. I cursed. With a flick of her wrist the door slammed shut.

"Oh bloody hell!" She damned, throwing her arms in the air. "At least while we're stuck in here, Nik and Kol can find her."

"What do we do?" I asked with clenched fists.

I attended to Elijah who spoke with an orotund voice. "We wait for this gimmick to come to an end and then we end them all."

I glanced back and forth between him and Damon. They both stood with wide stances, jaws clenched. Covering my head with my hands, I shook my head. All night I had a nagging feeling that the witches would retaliate. Something felt off the moment we drank the blood they offered us. We had no other option but to accept due to our weakened state. The only hope I had was for the two Mikaelson brothers to find our sister and bring her back to us. We sat in the chapel feeling nothing but despair.

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