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It's A Silent Place Or Is The Place Silent coz of Fewer People?

No, No.

Not at All...

It's Silent coz of Fear.

But Fear of Whom??

The dark room filled with too many men dressed in black. Their appearance resembles the Bodyguards. They have well-built body but, a tint of fear is present in their eyes.

Seems like no one can even breathe properly due to the fear.

A person is tied in the chair and Sm1 inserts a Motor driller inside his/her Hand.

He screamed in pain but the person seems not a bit affected by it.

Sm1 - It's your punishment for each and every mistake you have done in your life. And in your next life you will shiver before even thinking about doing them.

Sm2 - Please..... Ahhhh......... Poison...... Ple....ase......... Ahhhhh.... Poison...... Leave..... M...e....... Aaaaahhhhhhhhh.....

Poison - Wow. Do You Remember these were the exact same words tha were said by those 20 girls who were begging you to stop but even then You mercilessly raped and after that threw them on the roads.

Sm2 - I....... Wo....n't........ R....ep......ea.....t......... It........ Ag.....ain...... Po...ison..... Aahhh...... I...... I.... Pr.......... Pro...mise.....

Poison - Exactly. You Will Never Repeat It. Do You Know Why?Because I am going to give you the Most Painful Death that you will Shiver to even take a New Birth!!

Another Person Comes and said.

(A/n - The third person will be mentioned as Sm3)

Sm3 - P.....ois....on.. (Suttering due to fear as no one, I meant it, No one disturbs her when she is hunting.)

Poison turned just a bit and her eyes were almost black in anger.

Poison - What is it Areeqa?

Anger was evident in her voice. She was scared because when Poison is angry and someone disturbs her, then gawd! its a disaster!

She just went near her tremblng a bit. Areeqa knew her since they were in their diapers so she was scared to interrupt her. But she got no choice as it was an emergency.

Areeqa whispers - It's Him.

She stopped what ever she was doing to kill him. She took the phone from Areeqa and went toward a huge glass window but not before saying,

Poison - Make sure to drain each and every drop of his blood.

Areeqa nodded smirking and continued her work while Poison went to pick up the call.

Poison's pov

I was in my Secret Den. When I entered the torture room, I was pleased by best veiw in front of me. Misty Alpha, the rapist who rapped nearly 20 girl this year was tied in a chair in front of me.

He raped them brutally and then thew them in the roads.
Such a Monster.....

I decided to give him the worst possible death cause why not?

And I know even you will agree with with me. Don't You?!?

I took a screw driver and his eyes widened in fear.

Sm2 - No.... Poison forgive me.... Please... Don't do that.

I smirked and drilled his hands with the driver. He screamed in pain. The blood was oozing out from his hands but I care less.

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