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Hey, muffins!! I am back!

Missed me?

No? ok!!

Anyways here, take this pizza!!

Let's get back to the chapter.


"Who are you?" she asked him.

"you...don't remember me?" asked sid as a single tear rolled from his eyes.

"Why?? are you someone I should know? then how come I don't remember you? What-" she started panicking while sid tried to calm her down. soon enough doctors showed up and injected avneet as soon as they injected her she fell into a deep slumber of sleep.


"she....she don't remember me!!" he said as he let the tears fall freely.

"Look sir don't worry it's just temporary. she just forgot you in shock. she will remember you after she wakes up from her sleep." said the doctor calming sid down and admiring how much the beast is scared to lose his beauty. 

only if he knew they were not the beauty and the beast duo. they were the beast and beast duo. They both tamed each other.

meanwhile, sid felt alive after hearing those words, he felt like he got his breaths back. that's when he actually understood how he can't live without her. His queen, his amore.

he left the breath which he didn't knew he was holding for so long.

but that's when he remembers that piece of paper,which he got from her hands. he had solid doubt that she fainted after reading that letter but what was it? she was not a person who gets scared easily.

He read it. Over.and.over.again.

Trying to understand the meaning of those words. He was in his thoughts when he heard someone say.

"Mr.malik you can meet her." the doctor said as all stood up excited.

"one by one" he completed as all looked at sid instructing him to go, he nodded.

Going in he saw her lying there pale but with a smile which he knew was fake. he was no dumb he knew his girl would do anything to keep him sane.

"Don't!!" he said. she again smiled exactly knowing what he was saying.

"I am not," she said with a hoarse voice. he immediately poured her some water as she lightly smiled.

"how are you feeling, amore?" he asked her.

"I am feeling well, you... wait that letter!!" She mumbled.

"Amore...calm down I have it with me." He assured her.

"Siddharth he is coming back..Nick..." she said.

"Are you scared of him" he asked her.

"No!! I am happy" she said as a evil smirk formed her lips.

"Amore..... what's going on in your thick skull" he asked flicking her forehead.

"Hmm?!? Wait and watch" she said with a smirk.

"This girl" he said

"Anyways when am I getting discharged" she asked

"Soon" he said feeding her fruits.

"Do it as soon as possible. You know how much I hate hospitals" she said as her face scrunched in disgust. He chuckled and nodded.

Hey muchkins

Takes away the pizza 🍕 I gave you.

Ok that's it for the chapter sorry for a short one. I am so out of ideas lol


Love love


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